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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1909

After saying that, Ye Fan walked away.

Noa was left there on her own, stunned and red-eyed.

This was the first time she cared for someone so deeply and she had never imagined that it would end this way.

She watched the slim figure disappear in the distance and bit her lips with her pearly white teeth. Tearfully, she shouted towards the direction in which he was going.

“You jerk! It's better you go ahead and get yourself killed. I don't care anymore. When my uncle kills you with his fists, I shall celebrate joyfully!”

Noa's pitiful cries could be heard far away.

Many passers-by looked at this lovely and pretty young girl with pity and sympathy in their eyes.

Some even came to console her.

However, the man that she longed for did not turn back.

Her teardrops fell like rain for she had never before in her life felt so hurt.

Her heart felt like it was broken into a thousand pieces on the floor, just like her tears.

Yet, the question remained why she was so sad.

As a matter of fact, she ought to be glad.

That man who had humiliated her was about to die.

Someone was about to avenge her for all that she had suffered for the past few days.

Why, then, did she feel so bad?

“Miss, miss...”

As Noa squatted on the ground, weeping, from the crowd behind her, came a few people.

“Ms. Noa, is this really you? We shall inform the head of the family that you are here. You have no idea how worried our master is when you went missing for the past few days. He was searching for you all over India. We never imagined that you would come to attend the wedding of His Royal Highness.”

These people seemed to be working for Noa's family.

After recognizing Noa, they were emotional and overjoyed.

A few remained with Noa while others went back to report to her father.

“Noa dear...”

After a few short moments, the other men came back hurriedly, bringing a burly and dignified middle-aged man wearing a neat suit.


Seeing her father, Noa immediately rushed into his arms and burst into tears.


Heartbroken, the man patted his daughter's shoulder while comforting her. “It's all right. You are safe, now. Tell me who abducted you. Where is he now? I'll send guards to smash him into smithereens.”

However, Noa just kept shaking her head, her pretty face full of tears. “Dad, I don't want him dead. I want him to live a happy life with me.”

The man was stunned. “A-Are you are in love with him?”

After leaving Noa, Ye Fan followed the crowd, heading deeper into the Island of the King of India.

Surprise was all that he felt about Noa's words.

That little rascal is too full of herself. Even now, she dares to command me. If it is someone else, she would have been killed after she was no longer useful.

However, Ye Fan had let her live.

That rascal is not a bad person, she's too selfish and too arrogant, that's all. She is like a child who has been pampered and spoilt rotten. Hopefully, after this lesson, she will exercise some self-control.

She had to know that not everyone in this world was like her father who would pamper her and let her have her way.

That reminded Ye Fan of the Qiu Mufan who always tagged along with Qiu Mucheng.

Ye Fan was not sure if Mucheng knew how to educate children.

After all, in his eyes, Mucheng was barely more than a grown-up kid.

It was hard to imagine that she was already a Mom.

Nonetheless, Ye Fan was still unsure if the child was his offspring.

He had already decided that during his next trip to Jiangbei, if he had the opportunity, he would take Qiu Mufan fora test.

If the child was really his, then the child's mother must be Mucheng.

As these thoughts came to him, in his mind, her beautiful image appeared, full of grandeur and grace.

“Sir, please show your letter of invitation.”


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