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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1923

Just as the people of Elysian Faction speculated, the members of the Vias family really knew where Folo Palace was located.

Once again, Noa became Ye Fan's navigator.

However, it was different this time. She wasn't forced to lead the way. Instead, she truly wanted to assist Ye Fan.

Ye Fan didn't like to owe anyone a favor.

As a token of appreciation, Ye Fan asked the people of Elysian Faction to rescue Noa's father.

“Winnie... Are we going to die?”

On the other side of the pile of corpses, Winnie and Kieran lay motionless on the ground.

Their uncle, Jefferson was already dead.

The shockwave of Qi from the previous battle had severed Jefferson's neck, and his head fell and rolled right next to them.

Kieran had lost all his strength.

He didn't even have the strength to breathe.

As blood dripped from the edge of his mouth, he looked at his sister, lying right next to him, from the corner of his eyes.

“No. We're not... Kieran, we're not going to die.”

Winnie's condition was even worse than Kieran's

However, she still tried to comfort her brother with hertrembling voice.

“Winnie, I'm very sleepy...”

Kieran couldn't hold it anymore and he slowly closed his eyes.

Winnie tried to muster her strength to reach out to her brother.

However, it was futile.

After a substantial amount of blood loss, she no longer had the strength to do anything.

She could only watch helplessly as the light of life gradually faded away from her younger brother's face, and tears rolled down the side of her eyes.

In their desperate moments, a slender figure silently appeared.

“He won't die as long as I'm here.”

Those faint words echoed in Winnie's ears.

She struggled to look up toward the voice only to see a man standing next to them.

He was handsome and tall, like a god, ethereal and divine.

It was the truth. To Winnie, Ye Fan was no different than a god.

He could make people die and live at will!

The funny thing was that she used to look down on Ye Fan. Now it seemed like she was the insignificant one.

Because she was too weak for him to even care about her wrongdoing.

After stabilizing their condition, Ye Fan didn't stay for long. He immediately took Noa and flew up the sky.

As Ye Fan slowly disappeared into the horizon, everyone trembled.

Deep down, everyone could only dream about his godlike powers and prominence.

Folo Palace was the symbol of the martial arts world of India. It was located somewhere in the mountains.

As one of the oldest authorities in the martial arts world, there were many legends about Folo Palace.

Some would say that Folo Palace was a branch separated from Buddhism thousands of years ago.

Some would even say that the first king of Folo Palace, Rakshasa, was once the first disciple of Buddha, and he later betrayed Buddhism due to their disagreement in Buddhist philosophy and established his own faction.

Since then, the Folo Palace became a sect.

Thousands of years had passed, and Folo Palace had walked a path completely different from Buddhism.

While Buddhism emphasized self-cultivation, compassion, and rebirth, Folo Palace was about respecting the strong, fighting for power, and gaining prominence.

The desire and pursuit of power made Folo Palace a

sacred place for the martial artists of India and a force that protected the country.

At this moment, at dawn.

The sky was bright, and the palace brilliantly reflected the morning sun, shimmering atop the mountains.

Inside the palace, it was quiet as usual.

The disciples who got up early swept the fallen leaves in the front yard.

A few squirrels climbed among the treetops and nibbled on pine nuts while the leaves rustled in the gentle breeze.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps approached the entrance, and a ragged, hairy person that looked like a barbarian arrived at the palace.

“Stop right there!”

“Who are you, and how did you get here?”

“How dare a beggar like you trespass the holy Folo Palace?”

“Get off the mountain immediately if you don't want to die!”

When the disciples on duty saw the barbarian before them, they immediately stopped him and reprimanded him mercilessly.

Being denied entry, the man didn't say a word. Instead, he lifted his face and took a glance.

Then, he raised his foot and stomped on the ground.


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