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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 195

Su Qian spent half an hour rinsing her mouth in the bathroom before coming out again.

That was how repulsed Su Qian was by Ye Fan.

Then again, Su Qian was the daughter of a rich man and was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

On the other hand, Ye Fan was just a louse from the countryside and was even a useless live-in son-in-law. She hated everything about Ye Fan.

She couldn't even stand walking together with him.

And today she actually drank from a cup that he used before and finished the remainder of his coffee. Su Qian really almost broke down.

"Chengcheng...what am I going to do? I've been tainted by this country bumpkin and I'm not pure anymore...will Mr Chu hate me if he finds out about this?!"

Su Qian hung her head and looked so dejected after coming out from the bathroom. She looked like a deflated balloon now.

Ye Fan was just terribly amused.

This silly girl. She had just finished her precious Mr Chu's coffee for crying out loud. What was she worried about?

But of course there was no way Ye Fan would ever tell Su Qian that he was Mr Chu.

He would rather be treated as a useless bum than to be harassed by a crazy woman like Su Qian.

But Ye Fan also knew that even if he said so, she wouldn't believe him either.

Su Qian's downcast mood didn't last long. She was soon distracted by the gleam of diamond rings in front of her.

Most of the shops on the first story were jewelers. As with many other major shopping malls, the jewelers were most often on the first story.

"Mu-Cheng, come over here and take a look! If I get married to Mr Chu, which ring should I pick? What about this one? Or that blue diamond one is quite pretty too. Or that purple diamond! It'll bring out my classiness!"

Diamond rings were something that any woman viewed as important.

After all, that was a symbol of love and the start of happiness.

But Qiu Mu-Cheng was really speechless. "Qianqian, isn't it a bit too early to think about this? We haven't even caught a glimpse of Mr Chu's face."

"It's not too early, I consider this planning for the future. Mu-Cheng, you should pick one too. After you divorce that beggar, you'd have to buy one when you remarry. So pick one now and buy it when the time comes. But seriously, Mu-Cheng, you have to find a rich man when you remarry. Otherwise you'd end up with another fake one like the one from that beggar," Su Qian said as she looked at the sparkling ring on Qiu Mu-Cheng's hand.

Clearly, Su Qian treated the one on Qiu Mu-Cheng as a fake.

But that made sense too. The diamond on the ring that Qiu Mu-Cheng had was rather large. If it was a genuine diamond, it would cost more than a million. Su Qian knew Qiu Mu-Cheng's family's situation and she knew they wouldn't fork out so much money just to buy a diamond ring.

"Oh, what a coincidence, we actually meet again. Why, are you here to buy a diamond ring too?" an awfully familiar voice rang out from in front of them.

Of all the people, it was actually Qiu Mu-Ying.

After Jin Bao made them bite some dust, Qiu Mu-Ying and Chu Wen-Fei joined the line properly to get into the mall.


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