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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1955

She might not understand how Ye Fan felt, but she could relate to those who were waiting for his return.

They must have felt exactly the same as she did when she waited for her brother alone.

“I'll help you, Ye Fan.”

After a long silence, Duanmu Wan'er made the decision.

Her eyes were full of determination when she said that.

Ye Fan did not expect Duanmu Wan'er to be of any help after spending a few days together and realizing that she knew nothing about martial arts.

Perhaps she remembered a lot about the secret techniques in martial arts, but she never mastered any of the techniques before because she wasn't interested in them.

How could someone from a different martial arts world help him master Raijin Thunderdrake?

The most she could do was to tell him the secret


However, Ye Fan had totally underestimated her.

Not only did she remember every single secret technique, but also she remembered their insights on Raijin Thunderdrake.

“Legend has it that one will morph into a Thunderdrake upon mastery of Raijin Thunderdrake...”

“Raijin Thunderdrake isn't just about absorbing the Power of Lightning. It is about merging the power with the soul...”

“There is life in everything in this world including the Power of Lightning.”

“You have to concentrate and put in every effort to feel its existence.”

“When both your souls meet, the Power of Lightning will no longer threaten your life. You will be able to channel the power with ease and use it as your own.”

Duanmu Wan'er's voice was gentle and soothing.

She shared her ancestor's training ideology with Ye

Fan as if she were teaching a student.

Ye Fan listened to her carefully and tried to understand everything.

He was like a dry sponge sucking in all the knowledge given to him ravenously.

Needless to say, that knowledge arrived just in time for him.

Only then did he fully understand how Raijin Thunderdrake worked.

It was unlike any other technique.

Normally, mastering a technique would result in a power boost and creating a body that would be strong enough to take bullets.

However, according to Wan'er, the highest level of Raijin Thunderdrake would allow someone to have the power to channel the Power of Lightning.

It was way more powerful than the levels that he had achieved with Raijin Thunderdrake.

For the next few days, Ye Fan would go into practice after he and Duanmu Wan'er discussed the

techniques of Raijin Thunderdrake.

Whenever in doubt, Duanmu Wan'er would either depend on her memory or discuss it with Ye Fan.

Day by day as they continued, Huangniu felt neglected as they ignored its invitation to them to play together.

Huangniu felt like a third wheel.

However, it cheered up a bit the moment it saw Ye Fan and Duanmu Wan'er helping each other out.

Huangniu recalled what Mr. Long told it before his death.

“Poor Wan'er. Her brother is all the hope she has in this world.”

“Try your best to find someone who can replace her brother and take care of her. That way, she has someone else to depend on and she won't lose all of her hope even if her brother never comes back.”

It was at that moment that Huangniu realized Ye Fan could be the new hope for Wan'er.

After another seven days, Ye Fan mastered the sixth


However, he was stuck again at the seventh level.

This time, even Duanmu Wan'er couldn't help him.

“I have no choice but to risk it now.”

Seeing that there was no way of mastering the seventh level, Ye Fan decided to use his current power to break through the cave.

“What the heck? Are you mad? You really don't want to live, do you? This is not something that you should joke about!”

Huangniu was appalled and angry at Ye Fan.

If it were in Ye Fan's position, it would never try breaking through the cave unless it made it to the ninth level.

However, Ye Fan wanted to try it even though he was only at the sixth level.

Nothing else could change his mind.

With the two types of power he had, he had a very good chance to walk out of the cave alive!


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