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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1957

“Hah! We did it!”

After realizing that he had broken through the stagnation, Ye Fan could hardly contain his excitement.

However, he looked all over and found no trace of the young woman.

“She's right next to you, fool!”

It was only when Huangniu spoke up irritably that Ye Fan realized that Duanmu Wan'er was deeply asleep beside him.

Though most of her body was covered by Ye Fan's coat, little innocuous patches of snow-white skin still showed through.

She looks like a kitten snuggling up against me.

That beautiful face, however, had lost some of its ruddiness from before. Even with her eyes closed, she appeared pale and weak.

“What happened, Wan'er? You don't look good at all!”

Ye Fan's eyes filled with worry after calling her name loudly several times to no avail.

Despite her unresponsiveness, Ye Fan heaved a sigh of relief at the sight of her gently heaving chest.

“Hey, stop pretending like you'd forgotten about what happened last night! You know very well what you did to her! Look at what you've turned her into!”

Huangniu rolled its eyes as it was livid. Ye Fan had a suspicion that he was still harboring resentment against him for assaulting it earlier.

“If you want to sleep with her, why won't you just be honest about it?” Huangniu continued, making no effort to conceal his disgruntlement. “There's no need to pretend that you need help cultivating your skill to trick her.”

Ye Fan was horror-struck by those words.

“What did I do last night? I certainly didn't intend for anything like that to happen! I was only cultivating Raijin Thunderdrake!”

The cow regarded him stonily. “You two fell asleep on the same bed. What else do you think happened? Look at the state she is in! Does that look like you didn't do anything to her last night?” “I...” Ye Fan stammered, at a loss for words. Did I really do something dishonorable to her last night?

“You can stop pretending. As unhappy as I am about it, what's done is done. Poor Wan'er. Consider yourself lucky to have gotten into bed with such a pretty girl! You're responsible for her from here on out. As her guardian, I hereby officially hand her over to you with my blessing.”

The cow spoke as if he was a father giving his daughter away at the altar.

“Cut the crap!” Ye Fan shouted.

I still have all my clothes on. What could I have done? Clearly, Huangniu has bluffed me.

“Still denying it, aren't you?” Huangniu continued. “I saw both of you kissing! Do you see the wound on her lip! You bit her! Oh, I wish I did not see everything! You've ruined my innocence!”

Ye Fan was horrified at the sight of the bite mark on Duanmu Wan'er's lip as indicated by the cow. Huangniu isn't lying! Could I have done all the things he's accusing me of?

Duanmu Wan'er chose that very moment to stir.

Her eyelashes fluttered weakly, she tried her hardest to sit up to no avail as she was still drained of energy.

All she could manage was to turn her head as she regarded him. “How're you feeling, Ye Fan?” she whispered, her eyes filled with tenderness.

“Wan'er, did we...” Ye Fan hesitated, unsure of what to say.

Before Ye Fan could apologize, Duanmu Wan'er spoke first. “I'm sorry for not discussing things with you yesterday, Ye Fan. It was the only way to help you achieve a breakthrough. Raijin Thunderdrake is a skill that requires the direct and aggressive redirection of energy. Having successfully attained six levels in the past, you have accumulated too much destructive masculine energy in you. Though it imbues you with strength, it is also a shackle to keep you from progressing. Without my feminine energy to balance it out, you will never attain the seventh level.”

Ye Fan is not the first one to encounter this obstacle. My ancestor, too, have been stuck at this stage for the same reason on their path to mastery. The saturation of masculine energy accumulated via the attainment of Raijin Thunderdrake had been the cause of their

stagnant progress as well.

After intense research, Wan'er's ancestor discovered the only way to get past the bottleneck was to undergo the training with one's spouse to even out the overwhelming masculine energy.

I am the only one in this cave who can help Ye Fan.

Ye Fan's eyes were wide with surprise at the startling revelation before grimacing at the recollection of another similar instance.

Did we really conduct a Joint Cultivation last night?

This feels awfully familiar. Back then, the attainment of Dragon God Body necessitated a similar methodology. Raijln Thunderdrake is no different!


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