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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1962

Though Ye Fan's voice was not loud when he said that, his grave words fell with such weight and impressed upon the old woman the depths of emotion in his sonorous proclamation.

Ye Fan had had a difficult life with hardships plaguing every stage of his brief two decades on earth.

He was exiled from the Chu family as a boy. Under the threat from his own cousin, he fled across the ocean to China.

He had sought refuge from the Chu Sect in the Ye residence by running from Jingzhou to Yunzhou.

Even later, when the forces of the Chu Sect had been defeated and the whole world besieged, Ye Fan ran.

I have been running my whole life. No more. It's time to make a stand. I will take back everything that belongs to me one way or another!

Given the tall order of the mission, Ye Fan was not delusional about his prospects, as the trip to the cave had undoubtedly given him an incomparable sense of confidence that he had never had.

I am done running from the world. It's the world's turn to run from me.

Without saying another word, Ye Fan turned and walked away.

“Where are you going, sir?” Geetha asked at once.

Selva displayed a similar expression of concern. “What are you going to do, young man?”

Ye Fan merely looked back and smiled. “I'll kill them all.”

The solitary man's easy laughter dispersed in the windin the wake of his journey. On his back, the five divine weapons pierced the sky with as much murderous intent as their master.

Meanwhile, in the huge manor of the Vias family downtown, exotic beasts kept as pets were seen lounging on the vast expense of fragrant grass. Countless servants bustled in their toil of maintaining the extravagance of the most powerful noble family in India.

The sky was overcast by the gray, ominous thunderclouds that day. The air, laden with moisture that foretold an imminent storm, swept across the city from the ocean and threatened to suffocate the inhabitants of the city.

“D*mn the weather!” someone grumbled. “It looks like Uncle's wedding has to be postponed again.”

At that moment, a luxury car rolled to a halt outside the entrance to the manor.

A young couple helped each other out of the car while the door was being held open respectfully by the chauffeur.

The speaker was a man in his early thirties.

“I've checked the weather forecast,” the woman said reassuringly. “This will pass by tonight. Don't worry, it'll be sunny enough for Uncle Fen Tian's big day tomorrow.”

The man nodded. “I hope so.”

While they were talking, the couple noticed a delicate figure sweeping the stairs at the doorway.

She was clad in a tattered dress of dark gray, and her flaxen hair draped lifelessly over her shoulders. Even her face was smudged with dust.

Armed with a broom, she clumsily attempted to sweep up the fallen leaves littered across the manor grounds with clear incompetence.

Suddenly, she missed a step and fell to the ground.

The crash brought her presence to the man's attention. With a disgusted glare at her, he cursed in a low voice before turning his head away rather than subject himself to her sight.

The woman beside him noticed the change in her husband's mood. After coaxing the man to enter the house by himself, she walked toward the girl dressed as a servant.

Noa sat on the steps and examined the bloody skin on her ankle with a pained expression on her delicate features.

She looked up at the sound of approaching high heels and stood up immediately. “Beatrice,” she blurted in a panic.


The woman slapped Noa hard across the face.

“You still have the cheek to look me in the eye?”


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