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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1964

It was raining cats and dogs.

After a day of hard work, Norton, the head of the Vias family, finally had a chance to take a breather.

When his father was holding the position as the head of the family, Norton always admired how impressive he was in his role.

He was regarded as someone with absolute power and had everyone's life and death right in his palms. A very powerful man, indeed!

However, now that he had succeeded his father, Norton realized just how much he had judged a book by its cover. Apart from the glory that came with the position, there were actually a series of tedious tasks to manage and a list of unending social events to attend.

Lo and behold, there isn't one easy role to play in this world. Each title given comes with its own fair share of requirements and responsibilities. I bet it's the same for kingship in China. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

Just when Norton was resting, the door was pushed

open abruptly.

The bitter wind swept the room with menacing intent, and the cold woke Norton up.

Enraged, he bellowed, “Who the h*ll barged in without my permission?”

However, a long silence ensued.

The puzzled Norton got up from the couch and turned around to take a peek.


A bolt of lightning flashed outside the door at that moment, giving him a dim light source to catch a glimpse of what was before him.

He saw a pair of blood-stained hands holding the doorframe.

“W-Who is it?”

A shiver ran down Norton's spine as his face turned ghastly.

At that moment, a figure dragged himself into the room and tried hard to crawl forward.

“Mr... Mr. Vias, run... Quick!”

The man collapsed onto the ground lifelessly after spitting out his last words with all his might.

Norton was completely baffled by the bizarre and mind-boggling scene.

He dashed over and pushed the door open, only to be greeted by the pitch-black night.

The pitter-patter of the rain on the roof was the only thing that could be heard.

Right then, another lightning struck, and the entire backyard of the castle was awash in light.

At last, he saw it!

The stairs were scattered with dead bodies.

As the rain poured down on them, the whole place was dyed red.

He gazed down and realized that a corpse was lying at his feet.

Immediately, he was frightened out of his wits.

A buzzing sound appeared in his head due to extreme shock and panic.

He almost slumped to the ground in despair.

It was hard to believe that a massacre had happened during the mere few minutes while he was taking a rest.

Vaguely, he saw a silhouette through the thick rain curtain. The shadow was swinging a sickle mercilessly, seemingly culling the likes of men like a Grim Reaper.

In a split second, he appeared right in front of Norton, a step away from cutting the latter's throat.

Strangely, the person retreated like a bolt from the blue.

Why did he go away? Did he finally come to his senses?

Anyhow, it was not the time for Norton to ponder over these things.

With a life and death matter at hand, he quickly gave an order and called upon all the leaders of the Vias family for an urgent meeting.

“Everyone is to meet at the family conference hall in half an hour. Attendance is compulsory, or you don't have to come anymore.”

Norton was resolute about having all of them attend the meeting.

Some of the leaders used the rainy day as an excuse not to be present, and it made Norton livid.

He rebuked, “Get yourselves here at once even if it's raining knives and swords! The survival of the Vias family is at stake. I shall see who dares to be absent!”

At his command, the tranquil city was transformed into a vibrant one with hustle and bustle going on in different areas.

A number of flashy cars set off from various places, braving the rain and other challenges to get to the Vias family conference hall in thirty minutes.

Within the stipulated duration, many elders who had been leading a life of luxury showed up one after another.

Normally, the gatherings involving all the leaders of the Vias family would be merry, with lots of drinking, laughter, and chatters about women and the good

old days.


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