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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1967

After saving Junie, Ye Fan discovered several facts.

It turned out that Junie had taken her men to India seeking revenge on Fen Tian after departing Jiangbei.

Unfortunately, they fell into Fen Tian's trap.

As a result, Junie was defeated and captured.

After that, in order to capture all the disciples of the Elysian Faction, Fen Tian spread the false news that he was marrying Junie, thus prompting a group of disciples to go to the Island of the King of India.

Fortunately, Ye Fan also came over. Otherwise, Fen Tian's plans would have succeeded.

However, the remaining Elysian Faction disciples have most likely died by Fen Tian's hand.

As these thoughts came to Junie, she was depressed and filled with remorse.

“It was my fault! I did not think things through, and as a result, the other disciples got killed. I am afraid I'm the only survivor of the Elysian Faction. Even when I die one day, I would be ashamed to meet my master.”

At this point, Junie was close to tears.

When her Master passed away back then, he had passed on the position of the sect leader to her.

He had hoped that Junie would continue the great cause of the sect, restore peace to the world, and bring back its past glory.

Unfortunately, the ancient sect was destroyed under her leadership.

Ye Fan moved close to her and gently wiped away her tears, consoling her, “Silly girl, nothing on earth is perfect. Nobody's life can be smooth sailing all the time. Take me, for example. I had planned for years and fought countless battles. But what happened in the end? The battles were lost and my soldiers were killed. The Dragon Gods who fought beside me are dead, and the Dragon Slayers are still missing. Fen Tian is cunning and devious. A lady like you is no match for him, so this outcome is only to be expected.”

He continued, “In fact, what you have been able to carry out so far is considered good enough. Under anyone else's leadership, the Elysian Faction would have disappeared without a trace. So, don't be too hard on yourself. Furthermore, many of the disciples are still alive. After the battle on the Island of the King of India, there were some survivors. I asked them to stay on the island to recuperate. When they know that you are well, they will surely come back to you.”

“|-ls this true, Ye Fan? The other disciples survived?” Junie lifted her head to gaze at Ye Fan, her eyes filled with surprise and joy.

This was perhaps the best news Junie had heard in a very longtime.

Yet, in just a short moment, Junie was forlorn again. “You are lying to me. You have only just arrived, but as far as I know, Fen Tian's trick to bring the other disciples here with the wedding happened more than a month ago. So how did you know what happened before you came?”

When Ye Fan heard this, he smiled helplessly.

He stretched out his hand and brushed Junie's nose with his fingers.

“You think everyone else is as heartless as you? Let me tell you the truth. I arrived more than a month ago! If things had gone as I planned, Fen Tian would have died on the Island of the King of India.”

Junie was dumbfounded upon hearing that.

Then, he told her all that had happened in the past month.

When Junie heard about how the fighters from the Folo Palace of India surrounded Ye Fan, and even Indra managed to suppress him, she felt distressed.

Overwhelmed with nervousness, she looked at Ye Fan's body and asked anxiously, “Ye Fan, are you injured? Are you okay? You idiot! Who asked you to come to India? What if something bad happened to you again?”

Junie was close to bursting into tears.

Deep down, she was afraid of hearing about Ye Fan's death again.

If Ye Fan had passed away in India because of her, she would never be able to forgive herself.

In fact, she had come here alone because she did not want something unfortunate to befall Ye Fan.

If that were to happen, how would she face Ye Fan's wife and those Dragon Slayers who were waiting for his return?

“It's okay. Everything is fine. Not only have I lived through great dangers, but I even came across great opportunities. Leave Fen Tian and everything else to me.”

Ye Fan spoke casually with pride and confidence.

After that, Junie asked what his plans were.

Ye Fan replied, “What plans? Just wait for him to come. Your wedding is tomorrow, isn't it? When the time arrives, Fen Tian will show up.”

When Junie heard that, she turned pale. “You plan to kill him duringthe wedding? No, that won't do. All the masters of India's martial arts world would be there. There is power in numbers, and they outnumber you by far. Once you make a move, you will be surrounded and trapped.”

Junie was worried.

Ye Fan reassured her, “Don't worry. I have already made plans forthat!”

Seeing his confidence, Junie decided to trust him for the time being.


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