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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1969

Overwhelmed with delight, Fen Tian drank a few glasses of wine in one go. “Hahaha! Chu Tianfan, from today onward, your woman is mine!”

He had endured years of humiliation as he was unable to avenge his lost arm.

Because of Ye Fan, his reputation was dragged through the mud for years.

Besides losing his arm in the rainforest, he was beaten by the War God, Ye Qingtian, and the others because of Ye Fan when he returned to India.

One time, he was chased all the way from the Island of the King of India to Folo Palace.

The respect and reputation that Fen Tian spent years building up were destroyed because of Ye Fan. No matter where he went, be it his own country or a foreign one, his reputation was tarnished.

The most painful thing for him was the inability to fulfill his revenge.

While he did borrow Indra's strength to kill Ye Fan, he still wasn't satisfied.

In his mind, Ye Fan died too easily.

His revenge against Ye Fan wasn't over yet.

In his current drunken state, there was undoubtedly insanity swirling in his eyes.


The glass in his hand fell to the ground.

Then he rushed toward the bed and pressed his “bride” against it. Next, he began touching “her” body through her clothing.

In the next second, he realized something was wrong because a certain part of his “bride” seemed to be larger than his!

Upon realizing that, he quickly noticed some other abnormalities.

For example, she had gotten much taller, and her fingers had gotten much thicker.

It was then that he thought of something and ripped the veil on his “bride” away.

In the next moment, the face that had been seared into his mind forever appeared in front of him.

“Surprise. It's been a long time, Fen Tian.” Ye Fan smiled.

That smile was so bright that it could be compared to the sun.

It looked as though it came from an innocent and harmless young man.

However, Fen Tian was utterly bewildered, as though he had been struck by lightning five times in a row.

He took a couple of trembling steps backward before slumping into a chair behind. Then, he pointed his shaking finger at the man in front of him as if he was looking at a ghost. “You... You... You...”

Despite his best attempt, he was so shocked that he couldn't utter Ye Fan's name out loud.

At that moment, he felt like he was on the edge of losing his mind.

Imagine ifonewasaboutto have sex with his wife on the wedding night, but “she” turned out to be his nemesis who was supposed to be dead.

How would one feel?

There was no doubt that one would most likely suffer a huge shock.

However, Fen Tian was still alive, which proved that he was mentally strong.

After all, he was a man who had seen his share of dire situations.

The scene in front of him terrified him, but it wasn't the time to let his fear take control of him.

That was why the first thing he did after returning to his senses was to turn around and run outside.

Since he was almost killed by Ye Fan, it was only natural that he didn't have the confidence to face Ye Fan one-on-one.

The only way to guarantee his survival was to return to the hall, where the world's strongest martial artists gathered.

That was the only place he could find hope to live.

“Trying to run? Do you think you can do it?” Ye Fan's expression turned cold.

He laughed menacingly and sent out a punch.


The sound of the attack shook the earth.

Inside the hall, the guests were having a good time eating and drinking.

“Buddy, can you hand me that bowl of ham hock?”

King Folo was chatting with the crowd when someone asked him to do that.

He didn't give too much thought into it and handed the bowl to that person.

“Thanks, buddy!” That person patted his shoulder.

However, he furrowed his eyebrows as he didn't like people touching him.

Just as he was feeling a little upset, he suddenly realized that the thing that patted his shoulder wasn't a hand but a black bull hoof!

He turned around and was shocked to see a calf chewing and drinking next to him.

“What the f*ck are you?” he exclaimed as he punched Huangniu away.

On the other hand, the others didn't mind because they thought it was just a calf that the Vias family reared. They also thought that it simply escaped and came to the wedding to feast.

“It's just a gluttonous calf, King Folo. There's no need to freak out.” Bapei and the others tried to calm King Folo down.

However, King Folo was still flabbergasted because he was pretty sure he heard the calf talking. Is it possible that I heard wrong?

Since he couldn't make sense of it, he stopped dwelling on the matter and returned to his meal.


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