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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1971

Huangniu was clearly enjoying the show.

After all, it had been kept inside a cave for many years. Since it was finally out, it was determined to enjoy itself to the best of its ability.

However, its entertainment didn't last long.

Ye Fan, who was surrounded by martial artists, suddenly stretched his arms and exerted a gentle force.

It was enough to push both Junie and Noa, who were watching the fight at the back of the hall, backward.

As panic filled their eyes, they flew all the way until they arrived on Huangniu's back.

Huangniu, who was only planning to watch from the sidelines, exploded in anger. “B*stard! Who dares to ride on my back?”

It had been regarding itself as a divine beast, so it viewed itself very highly.

The thing it hated the most was people treating it as an animal to be ridden.

That was undoubtedly an insult to it.

Just as the angry calf was about to use its hooves to kill the two women on its back, Ye Fan's cold voice traveled into its ears.

“Help me out, buddy. Take them as far away from here as you can.”

“Impossible! No one has ever ridden on my back in my entire life, and no one ever will!” Huangniu rejected his request as it was still in a rage.

However, when it saw Ye Fan's murderous look and the lightning hovering around him, it immediately swallowed the things it wanted to say.

It was a prideful being, but it wasn't stupid.

When it saw Ye Fan like that, it could tell that the man was on the verge of going on a killing frenzy.

The animal didn't know Ye Fan that long, but it was enough for it to know he was a ruthless man.

Even it steered clear of the Well of the Thunderdrake because the portal had hundreds of thousands of thunderbolts, yet Ye Fan had the guts to jump in without a second thought.

Not to mention he was able to steal all the divine tools hidden by Indra.

Just those two things were enough to let Huangniu know Ye Fan was an extraordinarily ruthless person.

He was ruthless toward himself and other people.

As such, Huangniu believed that it shouldn't infuriate him any further.

It wasn't afraid of Ye Fan perse, but he did attain Raijin Thunderdrake.

Thus, if he went crazy, Huangniu would be caught in the attack. When that happened, it would definitely not have a great time.

In order to avoid incurring Ye Fan's wrath, Huangniu suppressed its pride and carried the two women away from the battlefield.

“Let us down!”

“Where did this calf come from? Where are you taking us?”

Junie and Noa were utterly flabbergasted. It was the first time they rode on a calf, not to mention one that they had never met before.

They were suspicious of it as they didn't know what the calf was thinking.

Additionally, Ye Fan was still on the battlefield, and they didn't want to leave him.

“Shut up, you two f*ckers! I'm a godd*mn divine beast! Shouldn't you humans be happy that you get to ride on my back? If Ye Fan hadn't attained Raijin Thunderdrake, I would've killed the both of you!” Huangniu was really angry as it found humans to be insolent creatures.

While Huangniu was furious, it still took both women far away from the battlefield obediently because it had no choice but to obey Ye Fan.

Once Junie and Noa left, there was no need for Ye Fan to hold himself back any further.

He laughed while facing the martial artists who claimed to be the deliverers of justice.

“Hahaha! So, you all believe that you're trying to kill a demon who has sinned, eh? Since that's how all of you see me, then I, Chu Tianfan, will show you what a demon looks like today!” Despite the fact that he was laughing, there was an aura of dominance around him.

It's been two years. It's as though history is repeating itself over and over again. Back then, on the shores of Eastsea, I was surrounded like this as well. Everyone glared at me with hostility, even though those scumbags were just as sinful as me! However, history will not repeat itself today, not completely. Right now, I'm much more powerful than I ever was before. Even without the help of Dragon God Hall, I'm still Ye Fan, and I am capable of taking on the whole world by myself!

Once his train of thought ended, he roared so loudly that it shook everything around him, even the very ground he stood on.

The aura around him began to soar like crazy, as though he was standing in the middle of a raging fire.

All the martial artists were shocked when they saw that.

Even though Ye Fan was facing hundreds of powerful individuals, not only did he refuse to surrender, but he also had the gall to fight back.

Furthermore, from his stance, it would appear that he wanted to strike first.


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