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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1984

Selva immediately recognized that car as the property of the Vias family.

The Vias family's cars all had unique logos painted on them, so it was easy to recognize their cars.

That was also why Selva was scared out of her mind and turned pale when she saw everyone exiting the car.

She assumed that the Vias family was there to exact their revenge.

Despite being terrified, Selva didn't flee. She knew there was no point in doing so.

Hence, she dragged her grandson along and knelt in front of the two ladies.

“S-Sorry. W-We didn't mean to offend them. This is the money we made from selling the medicine. We never spent a penny, and it's all here. We'll give it all up. Just, please. S-Spare my grandson.”

Selva was so scared that she was trembling when she spoke. Her tears rolled uncontrollably down her cheeks as well.

They were poor, and she knew that the Vias family was a powerful organization the poor could not offend.

That was why Selva was not happy at all when Ye Fan took that money back for them.

Instead, she began worrying.

If Geetha hadn't insisted on waiting, it was likely that they would already have returned to their hometown.

And now it is too late. The inevitable consequences are here...

Selva didn't care about her own survival, but she worried about Geetha.

“Please. Will you spare Geetha?”

Selva was still kneeling at the time.

When Noa saw that, she hurried forward and helped Selva up.

“1-1 think you made a mistake. We're here in place of a guy to keep his promise,” informed Noa as she smiled.

After that, she walked to Geetha, who was already in a daze. She crouched down and softly asked, “You're Geetha, aren't you? Awh, you are such an adorable little kid. Have you thought about the question Ye Fan asked you? What is your answer? What future do you want? One that is filled with academic success or one where you will be trained to be a martial artist?”

Selva and Geetha were stunned when they heard that.

“Y-You... that little punk sent you?”

Selva was in disbelief, but Geetha was jumping in delight.

“See? I told you. Sir will never lie to me. You girls must be his girlfriends, right? Please tell him I have made my decision. I want to be a martial artist. I want to be as strong as he is so that I can find beautiful girls as my girlfriend... just like how he found you both,” answered Geetha happily.

Selva came back around after hearing that. She immediately told Noa her ideas. “Ohm, miss? Please ignore the kid's words. If possible, please send him down a path of academia. By learning everything he can, he will become smarter and will be a scientist or something. That way, he will be able to contribute to

building the country up in the future.”

In the end, Geetha obeyed his grandfather's wishes and chose to go to school.


Noa accepted their request.

After that, she had her men send Geetha to the best school in the country. The Vias family would be responsible for both Geetha and Selva's expenses while Geetha was studying.

In addition, Noa gave the two of them a house and found a job for Selva.

“You are all such incredible people. Thank you, young lady. You are our savior and have given us a new life.”

Selva never would've dreamed that there would come a day when her grandson could study in the best school. She certainly never fantasized about living in a huge house in the city.

The old lady led Geetha and bowed endlessly to Noa to thank her.

“There is no need to thank me. If you wish to do so,

you should thank that guy. I'm just carrying out the tasks he assigned me,” replied Noa. She quickly helped them up as she spoke.

“Where is Sir now? Will I see him again?” asked Geetha. It seemed he truly wished to see Ye Fan again.

Noa shook her head and replied, “No, I don't think you'll ever see him again.”

Noa and the others got ready to leave after settling everything.


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