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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 2020

That's strange. Why would Mr. Tang suddenly give such an order in the middle of the night?

It did not take long for the ever-wily Bill to sense that something was off.

“Who am I to speculate Mr. Tang's intentions? You'd do well to carry out the order you were given, Mr. Jones. That way, I'll be able to report to Mr. Tang as soon as possible.” The envoy from the Chu Sect urged Bill to carry out the execution immediately.

Bill hesitated for a moment before questioning, “Do you have Ms. Tang's decree?”

“Ms. Tang's out campaigning right now. Besides, such a trivial matter doesn't deserve her attention,” replied the envoy.

“I advise you to stop dallying, Mr. Jones. Otherwise, Mr. Tang will make sure your family's position in the Chu Sect becomes even more precarious,” he then stated in a stern voice, seemingly running short on patience.

When Bill heard that, inwardly, he became aware of many things.

It seems that Mr. Tang has taken the liberty of making the decision.

Upon realizing that, Bill immediately responded, “Sorry, but I'm afraid I cannot carry out the execution. Ms. Tang has specifically instructed me not to execute those four without her order.”

“How dare you defy Mr. Tang's order, Bill Jones!” The face of the Chu Sect's envoy instantly turned grim.

“Mr. Tang is the head of Mount Chumen for now since Ms. Tang isn't around. His words are decrees of the highest authority. You're courting your own death for daring to defy the head of Mount Chumen, Mr.

Jones!” roared the envoy.

Obviously, he never expected that the head of the Jones family would dare disobey Tang Xian.

“As I said, I won't lift a finger until I receive an order from Ms. Tang. Tell Mr. Tang that he'll have to get Ms. Tang's approval before I carry out the execution. The last thing I want is to defy Ms. Tang's order, so please leave.” Having decided not to waste any more time on the envoy, Bill gestured for his subordinates to see the man out.

“Very well! You've got guts, if nothing else. We'll see if you still have them after I report this to Mr. Tang!” the envoy threatened him before storming off with a hardened face.

“What's going on, Dad?” inquired Michael Jones, who had just arrived in the living room after changing his clothes.

He greeted the upset envoy coming his way, but the man simply ignored him.

Confused, Michael decided to approach his father to get some answers.

However, instead of replying to his son, Bill asked him to follow him to the study.

“Stand guard here and ensure that nobody gets in without my say-so!” Bill ordered a few trusted subordinates before leading his son into the room.

After ensuring that they were not followed, the father and son duo opened the passageway to a secret chamber, which was luxuriously decorated and fully furnished.

In the middle of the room was a large bed, and lying quietly on the bed was a gorgeous young woman with fair skin and exquisite facial features.

She was so beautiful that one could be forgiven for thinking that she was an angel.

The only fly in the ointment was the white gauze covering her eyes.

If Ye Fan were there, he would definitely recognize the attractive young lady, for she was none other than Angie, the woman who crossed the ocean in search of him.


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