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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 2027

“What... What... What's going on?”

Tang Xian was dumbfounded when he saw his attack suddenly get blocked.

He had been sure of emerging victorious. However, his expression darkened as the weapons rained onto the ground, and he immediately looked solemn and grim.

Just then, there was a soft yet ominous rustle in the darkness.

Everyone froze.

As countless pairs of eyes turned toward the direction the sound had come from, they saw a thin figure slowly approaching them.

His tread was light, yet there was a gentle rustle with every step he took.

The figure appeared small from afar. Even so, the surrounding trees and plants bowed and retreated as if they were courtiers in the presence of their monarch.

“Who's that?”

Gaius and the other Dragon Slayers were stunned. Despite not knowing who the figure in the dark was, they felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity they had never felt before rush toward them from not far ahead.

Suddenly, the name and silhouette of one person appeared in Gaius', Owen's, and the others' minds.

“Could... Could it really be him?”

Meanwhile, Bill Jones and Michael also started to feel overcome with emotion.

Although the former had long suspected that Ye Fan had not died, it had been nothing more than speculation, since there was no way for him to confirm whether Ye Fan was dead or alive.

Now that they were faced with the possibility that the powerful man had returned, it was only natural that they could not keep calm.

Just like them, Tang Xian was struggling to maintain his composure.

A sense of foreboding had descended over him the moment the figure appeared.

“No! It can't be him! That's impossible!”

Tang Xian frowned and clenched his fists tightly.

No matter how many times the same name surfaced in his mind, he continued dismissing it.

He did not want to admit, let alone accept, the likelihood that that man could be alive and well!

However, some things in this world were fated and could not be changed just because of an individual's personal wish and preference.

As everyone watched with nervous, excited, and trembling gazes, the figure finally emerged from the dense woods.

The moon hung high in the sky that quiet night, and the faint glow of the moonlight shone down on the man's face. It illuminated his well-defined features, deep eyes, and handsome yet thin face.

Everything looked so familiar.

He looked just like he did when he left, appearing untouched by the passage of time.

The only difference seemed to be the changes deep within his heart.

“D-Dragon Master? l-ls it really you?”

Even though Gaius and the others had guessed he was alive, they still found it difficult to suppress the emotions bubbling within them.

The older men, who were over fifty years old, cried until their faces were wet with tears when they saw the young man before them.

Trembling, they got up from the ground and fell to their knees at the man's feet in unison.

“I knew it... I knew it all along. There was no way you'd be dead... I knew you couldn't have died just like that and that you'd come for us...” Gaius said, sounding like an elderly courtier who had just seen the emperor's army at his most desperate moment after getting trapped on the frontier.

With their hands and feet still shackled in chains, the four Dragon Slayers kneeled before Ye Fan and wept bitterly.

Nobody would have ever imagined that those supreme grandmasters—powerful figures wielding great influence over the country—would cry like a child in front of a certain someone.

“It really is him! He... He's really alive...” Bill choked out, practically gasping for breath. His whole body shuddered violently.


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