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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 2072

The clouds in the sky and the stars in the night represent my sorrow and desolation.

Your love is soft and gentle like water; yet, it always sparks my innermost desires.

Though I wake up every day yearning for our reunion, I know this is a test that will make our love burn brighter.

The evening sun was as red as blood.

With a smile on her face and tears in her eyes, Moon God let out a soft groan as she calmly slipped into the eternal darkness.

Right as her body was about to hit the floor, a green light appeared on the horizon.

An angry voice boomed in the background.

“Eigetsu! How dare you die without my permission?”


A gust of cold wind swept through the area, sending the leaves fluttering and the sand flying wildly.

That voice sounded anxious and furious at the same time.

Everyone looked up in unison upon hearing that, only to see a slender figure running through the air.

The figure was moving so fast that all they saw were afterimages of it.

Eventually, the figure reached Moon God and pulled her into his arms.


Moon God, who had decided to accept her death, couldn't believe her eyes when she felt the warmth of his firm chest.

I must be hallucinating or something. How is it possible for Ye Fan to be here? Shouldn't he be having solitary training in India right now? Even if he has completed his training, he should be rushing to protect his family in China instead! I wasn't expecting him to show up in Japan at all!

“Am I dead? Is that why I'm able to see you, Master?” Moon God asked with a smile as she nuzzled against Ye Fan's chest and took a whiff of his familiar scent.

The sight of her lying weakly in his embrace with her face all pale hit Ye Fan like a sledgehammer in the chest.

He gently wiped the blood off the corner of her mouth and gave her a tight hug.

“You're not dead, silly! Don't worry, your master is here to help you out,” Ye Fan whispered into her ear.

D*mn, I should've known. Chu Yuan is aware of my relationship with Moon God, so Chu Sect would surely come after her when attacking China. I was so worried about Jiangdong that I completely forgot about her!

“A-Are you really my master? Am I still alive?”

Moon God's vision was starting to get blurry as her eyelids grew increasingly heavier.

However, her body shuddered when she heard what Ye Fan said.

She then looked up and saw Ye Fan staring at her with tears in his eyes.

“I won't let you die,” he replied softly.

He then fed her a few pills, including the ones that Duanmu Wan'er made to help replenish his elemental force as well as the ones he made in Chu Sect to heal his wounds.

Sure enough, Moon God's condition stabilized after consuming those pills.

“You silly girl! How could you do something so foolish? I won't forgive you if you do this again, you hear?” Ye Fan scolded her as he carefully removed the sword from her chest.

Instead of getting mad at Ye Fan or apologizing to him, Moon God simply flashed him a sweet and content smile in response.

She really liked the feeling of being cared for and protected.

Suzumiya Eigetsu felt content in knowing that her master was still thinking about her.


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