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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 2098

“War God!”

“Mr. Ye!”

On top of Mount Yunding, countless people teared up at the sight of Ye Qingtian's body that was covered with injuries.

Chu Qitian, on the other hand, shot him a smug and arrogant look.

Bursting into laughter, he drawled, “Are you really the strongest fighter in China? Look at you, weak and injured. How dare China claim to be the country where martial arts originated from? Your skills are disappointingly mediocre.”

Chu Qitian shook his head as his laughter reverberated around the entire area.

“This is the end. Time to bid goodbye to this world. If you want to blame someone, blame yourselves for following the wrong leader,” he declared.

Chu Qitian's gaze then landed on the people of Jiangdong who were protected by Ye Qingtian, the War God.

Right when Chu Qitian was about to massacre everyone, a bloody figure rose from the ruins before him.

“Come at me! Chu Qitian, you should be fighting against me! Come, launch your attack!” Ye Qingtian's booming voice pierced the sky.

Hearing his voice, the martial artists in China who were initially dejected promptly straightened their backs and sobbed in joy.

Even the elderly fighters like Lu Ziming and Zhang Jiuling couldn't stop tears from streaming down their cheeks.

After all, China was able to survive for thousands of years because countless people like Ye Qingtian existed.

The brave men of the nation fought and sacrificed their lives without fear, one stepping into the breach as another fell.

All they wanted was to give hope to the next generation of the country.

“Everyone, the War God isn't afraid of death, so why would we cower back in the face of death? Come on! We need to hang on until Mr. Chu arrives to save us,” Zhang Jiuling announced resolutely.

Though he was almost a hundred years old, he still stood out boldly to face the Chu Sect's army.

Influenced by his morale, Lu Ziming declared, “The martial arts fighters of Jiangbei, listen to my order! Even if we have to risk our lives, we must protect Mr. Chu's relatives and friends! Charge!”

Lu Ziming's eyes had turned bloodshot.

No one expected that the martial arts world of Jiangbei would be the first to charge forward to protect Jiangdong at the last moment even though they were at odds.

Li Er and the rest gaped in disbelief at the sight.

Everyone in China knew that Ye Fan alone killed half of the martial artists in Jiangbei.

They were supposed to be mortal enemies.

However, that very day, Ye Fan's enemies ended up being the most powerful force protecting his friends and family.

“A person who is sincere and honest can naturally attract other people! Are you seeing this, Mr. Chu? Your kindness and benevolence have touched many people even after your death!”

Li Er, Chen Ao, and the others burst into noisy tears.

During the most despairing moment in their lives, humans would recall the savior who had previously saved their lives in the nick of time.

Their savior was none other than Ye Fan.

Nevertheless, Li Er and the rest assumed Ye Fan was dead and no longer existed.

Right then and there, only Zhang Jiuling, Lu Ziming, and the like believed that Ye Fan would show up soon.

He will definitely be here soon!

Mount Yunding was almost defeated, but Ye Qingtian managed to lift their spirits again.

A vortex of anger swirled inside Chu Qitian.

“Fine! You have a death wish, huh? I shall grant your wish!”

He didn't hold back and unleashed his Dragon God body.

His punch came straight for Ye Qingtian, who was right below him.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

In one second, he rained his fist a hundred times on Ye Qingtian, and his punches came in all different directions.

The menacing assault that ensued pummeled Ye Qingtian just like a hurricane.

As a result, Ye Qingtian's ribs cracked. He promptly spat out a mouthful of blood.

The gulf between their powers was simply too great.

Ye Qingtian was badly injured in the fight on Mount Yan and was on the brink of his death.

If Huangniu hadn't brought him back to Mount Yunding, he would've died at the top of Mount Yan a few days ago.

Though he had been recuperating on Mount Yunding for several days, Jiangdong's capability was still incomparable to Chu Sect's.

Chu Sect had plenty of rare and miraculous medicines for Chu Qitian to consume. Chu Yuan, a god realm master, also stepped in to heal Chu Qitian's injuries.

Alas, Jiangdong wasn't capable of treating Ye Qingtian's wounds properly.

Thus, the injured Ye Qingtian was no match for Chu Qitian, who possessed divine skills.

Nevertheless, Chu Qitian was furious as Ye Qingtian was difficult to kill. The latter just wouldn't give up.


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