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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 2103

The vast sky was blood red.

On the summit of Mount Yunding, an aloof figure stood there upright like a long spear.

The moment he emerged, everyone felt like the grand mountains were merely his backdrop.

His hair and clothes fluttered in the wind, and the setting sun painted him red.

As he stood on the horizon, he looked down at the mountains with an unfathomable gaze.

This place was once his abode where he made countless beautiful and heartwarming memories with his wife.

It was a home he could come back to in order to rest his body and soul.

Yet now, the peace had been shattered, and the good times were left in the past.

All he could feel and see were the chilling wind and traces of blood.

At that moment, indescribable sorrow and immense anger surged through him.

“D*mn you, Chu Sect! Were you the ones who did this?”

His angry voice boomed like thunder.

The next second, a powerful force exploded like a nuclear bomb from where he stood and spread out swiftly in all directions.

Everyone was struck dumb by the tremendous power he unleashed.

Even Anderson, the elder of Chu Sect, was stunned.

“Oh no! Hurry and take cover! Hide!”

Sensing the terrifying energy in the outburst, Anderson widened his eyes and urged the members of Chu Sect to take cover behind structures.

However, none of them could beat the speed of the energy wave.

Following the person's roar, the ground of Mount Yunding shook violently.

Rocks shattered into bits, and cracks appeared on the ground rapidly as if an earthquake had just happened.

Naturally, the people standing on the ground were worse off.

Screams were heard the next moment as countless Chu Sect members were sent flying while spewing blood.

Even Anderson and the other Supreme Grandmasters failed to defend themselves from the power of the roar.

They were forced to stagger back a few steps; each step of theirs made a crater on the ground.

“D*mn it! Who's there? Who is he? How could he be so powerful?”

Considering how just one roar carried so much power, the man was most likely on a much higher level than a supreme grandmaster.

At that thought, Anderson felt like he was about to go insane.

He couldn't understand why it was so difficult to take over a tiny Jiangdong when they had already taken down War God Castle on Mount Yan.

Accidents kept happening.

There was first the odd formation and that creepy calf, and now, an unknown person was standing in their way.

With the warriors of Chu Sect hurled hundreds of meters away, only the people from China were left on Mount Yunding.

As the dust gradually settled to the ground, the face of the lean figure was finally revealed.


“Mr. Chu, is that really you?”

Although Li Er and the others had a hunch, they were still thunderstruck when they saw the man again after so many years.

Soon, the faces of everyone from Jiangdong were wet with tears.

“It's Mr. Chu. It's really Mr. Chu! Mr. Chu's spirit saw our sufferings and finally showed up to save us!”

Li Er couldn't help but shed tears of joy.

Without hesitation, he dropped down to his knees in Ye Fan's direction.

Seeing that, the others did the same.

“Thank you, Mr. Chu. Thank you for thinking of us even after your death.”


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