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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 2119

Chu Yuan's booming voice echoed throughout the peak of Mount Yunding as the energy came surging toward him from all directions.

The energy then converged on Chu Yuan's body as though there was an invisible funnel above him, causing his aura levels to rise at a terrifying rate.

Ye Fan could also see the muscles on Chu Yuan's body expand rapidly as he grew stronger and stronger.

Chu Yuan was almost twice his original size by the time he was done absorbing all that energy.

The loud roar of a dragon came echoed through the mountain as Chu Yuan's Dragon God Body was activated in the process.

A few seconds later, explosive energy came bursting out of him, causing those in the area to feel immense pressure on their bodies.

“Looks like Chu Yuan is about to get serious!”

King of Fighters and Sword Saint were severely injured and tied to a huge rock in the distance.

Chu Sect and Dragon God Hall were locked in combat, but hardly anyone was paying attention to that battle.

King of Fighters and the others all had their gazes fixated on Ye Fan and Chu Yuan because they knew the outcome of this fight would determine the victor.

Even if Dragon God Hall could win the battle against Chu Sect's men, it would be for nothing if Ye Fan lost to Chu Yuan.

After all, Chu Yuan alone possessed enough power to level all of Jiangdong.

It would take more than having the superiority in numbers to stand up to the power of a god realm master.

Right as the fight between Ye Fan and Chu Yuan was about to start, ten thousand soldiers arrived at the Brighfell River, which was dozens of miles away.

Lu Tianhe was standing on the top of a nearby mountain and observing the battle while one of his men updated him on the situation at Yunzhou.

He had seen little to no hope for the battle at Jiangdong at first.

However, hearing about Ye Fan's heroic return with thousands of powerful fighters filled his eyes with hope again.

As he glanced at the horizon, he noticed a huge amount of energy gathering in Yunzhou's direction.

One of his subordinates came up to him and reported, “General Lu, the men from Dragon God Hall and Chu Sect are still locked in combat, and the fight between General Chu and the head of the Chu Sect is about to begin!”

“It looks like the true battle is about to take place!” Lu Tianhe said as he gazed at Yunzhou from afar.

Being a fellow martial artist himself, he knew full well that the outcome of Ye Fan and Chu Yuan's fight would determine the outcome of this battle.

“Standby, men. On my command, we will cross the Brighfell River, advance fifty miles, and set up camp outside of Yunzhou!” Lu Tianhe ordered.

Since General Chu is back, it's only natural that I lend him a helping hand. Even if we don't join in the fight, we can at least provide some moral support on the side! The survival of China's martial arts world is in your hands, General Chu...

The decisive battle for Yunzhou had begun.

After charging his power, Chu Yuan launched himself at Ye Fan like an arrow and threw a punch at him.


Chu Yuan hit with so much force that it felt as though a nuclear bomb had exploded.

The shockwave alone left a huge crater in the ground.

Instead of taking that blow head-on, Ye Fan dodged it using the Nine Steps of Yunyang.

“Ha! Do you think you can dodge this?” Chu Yuan asked with a vicious grin on his face.


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