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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 2144

“W-What are the lot of you doing? Get up! Stand up! I'm the head of the Chu family, and I represent the orthodox Chu family! Chu Tianfan is merely an outcast of the Chu family, unworthy of your homage! Stand up! All of you, get up!” Chu Yuan roared as though he had gone insane.

With his eyes blazing scarlet, he almost burst with anger as he yelled at the members of the Chu family with everything within him.

“Patriarch Chu, he... he's in possession of Thunder Jade. According to the ancestral rules, the person with Thunder Jade is the head of the Chu family. Perhaps Chu Tianfan is really Mr. Yunyang's appointed heir.”

Within the Chu Sect, the descendants of the Chu family started wavering inwardly upon laying eyes on Thunder Jade.

Everyone within the Chu family knew of the legend of Thunder Jade.

That was a sacred item, the blood inheritance of the Chu family.

It had been a personal possession of Chu Yunyang, and jade was often said to be spiritual in nature.

Only those descendants of the Chu family recognized by the man would obtain Thunder Jade's acknowledgment in the way of a divine glow.

Right then, Thunder Jade was glowing brightly in Ye Fan's hand.

With that, it was sufficient proof that Chu Tianfan was chosen by the ancestor of the Chu family, thereby representing the orthodox Chu family.

Needless to say, the members of the Chu family didn't dare defy Chu Yunyang's chosen heir.

“That's right, Patriarch Chu. Chu Tianfan is a descendant of the Chu family in the first place, and the same blood flows within his veins. If you continue fighting him, it'll be internal strife, with family members turning on each other. We're all family. Like us, he's a descendant of Mr. Yunyang.”

For a moment, the fighters of the Chu family tried to dissuade Chu Yuan.

The appearance of Thunder Jade could be said to have swiftly nipped the fighting spirit of the members of the Chu family in the bud.

They were neither afraid of death nor formidable enemies, but they couldn't go against Chu Yunyang, much less kill the person the man had chosen.

“Shut up! Zip it! I'm going to banish whoever speaks a single word further about Chu Tianfan being a member of the Chu family! Right now, as the head of the Chu family, I order all of you to stand up and kill him!”

Still, Chu Yuan continued screeching at the top of his lungs.

Even then, he wasn't willing to admit the fact that Ye Fan represented the orthodox Chu family.

Unfortunately for him, few obeyed his orders.

In fact, Chu Qitian was the only one who did so.

“Get up, you lot! You're even defying Grandpa's command, huh, you sc*ms? Chu Tianfan is merely a b*stard. What right does he have to be the head of the Chu family and represent the orthodox Chu family? Get up, you cowards! I forbid you all from kneeling to him! I'm the one chosen by Mr. Yunyang, the only descendant of the Chu family within my generation!” Chu Qitian bellowed, his face contorted in a mask of rage.

Sheer envy blazed within him.

“That's enough! You've committed treason to remain standing before Thunder Jade, Chu Qitian! Do you still have any respect for Mr. Yunyang?” someone from the Chu family reprimanded upon seeing that the man refused to kneel.

At the same time, some looked at Chu Yuan regretfully.

“Sorry, Patriarch Chu. It isn't that we don't want to obey your orders, but the Chu family was founded and developed by Mr. Yunyang. Thanks to him alone, all descendants of the Chu family have been enjoying the glory and prosperity that has lasted more than a thousand years. We can't defy the ancestral rules or make a move against the orthodox Chu family! Therefore, forgive us for our inability to obey your orders to kill Chu Tianfan, Mr. Chu!” an elderly man in the Chu family remarked.

Subsequently, he again knelt to Ye Fan, who held Thunder Jade in his hand, with utter respect and reverence in his eyes.

“We abide by the ancestral rules. Please accept our homage, newly elected head of the family!”

He prostrated himself before the man on his knees, his voice akin to a massive boulder plopping into the sea and setting off countless swells of tidal waves.

In a split second, the members of the Chu family prostrated themselves in unison.

“The members of the Chu family pay homage to the head of the Chu family, Chu Tianfan!”

“Pay homage to Chu Tianfan, Mr. Chu!”

In a flash, all members of the Chu family were on their knees.


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