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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 2163

“Oh? I wasn't aware of that.”

The news sparked Ye Fan's curiosity, and he furrowed his brows.

Ye Fan had been wondering about Chu Yuan's real identity, for under normal circumstances, he would have already been dead.

However, there seemed to be some living thing, perhaps through an act of necromancy, controlling Chu Yuan's body and wreaking havoc on the entire world.

One of Ye Fan's goals for heading to Mount Chumen was to get to the bottom of the mystery.

Upon learning from Ye Qingtian that Chu Yuan's body had shriveled overnight, Ye Fan was further intrigued by the matter.

“Is his corpse still around?”

Ye Fan intended to check it out himself.

“Yes, Master, it's still there. We didn't touch it at all,” Gaius replied.

“Good. Bring me to it. War God, you should rest here first. If there's anything you need, just let Yuyan know.”

Ye Yuyan was also from the military and naturally, she knew Ye Qingtian. That was the reason Ye Fan had arranged for her to care for Ye Qingtian.

Just when Ye Fan was about to leave, Ye Qingtian, looking troubled, called out to him, “Ye Fan, there's something I'm not sure if I should say.”

Ye Fan smiled. “War God, there's no need to hold back your words. We've known each other for so long. What's there to be embarrassed about?”

“It's about King of Fighters and Sword Saint,” Ye Qingtian finally replied after a brief pause.

“I know well that War God Castle has done you a lot of harm, and the two of them have made plenty of mistakes in the past, but I still hope you can let them go. Despite their stubbornness and flaws, I can't deny their contributions to China's martial arts world. I'm begging you, Ye Fan, to spare them for the greater good of the nation,” Ye Qingtian pleaded.

He was well aware that he had no right to ask for mercy on their behalf, for it would be unfair to Ye Fan.

From the latter's perspective, the two deserved to die for all the harm and suffering they had caused.

Despite that, Ye Qingtian couldn't bring himself to remain silent, for they had been his comrades for many years.

Sword Saint, King of Fighters, Tang Hao, and the others had given their lives to serve the nation and its people.

He felt it necessary to appeal their case.

“War God, don't you know that those two b*stards were largely responsible for Master's death outside the country? They have brought all of this upon themselves. Paying the price for their actions back then is nothing but divine retribution. They deserve nothing but death itself! Besides, how dare you talk to Master about the greater good? Do you know how much Master has suffered because of it?

“Three years ago, when Chu Sect allied with the elites of many countries to attack Master, King of Fighters and Sword Saint chose to sacrifice Master's life for the sake of this so-called greater good! And now you're asking Master to spare those two for this same ludicrous reason?”

Before Ye Fan could reply, Li Er had unleashed an angry tirade. He had been there at the battle of Eastsea.

With his own eyes, he had witnessed the ruthlessness of China's martial arts world and the despair Ye Fan had felt.

A man as proud as the latter had been forced into committing suicide with his own sword.

One could only imagine the devastating blow the event had dealt upon Ye Fan.

Yet now, after Ye Fan had achieved the current success with an extraordinary amount of effort and sacrifice, Ye Qingtian actually tried to dissuade him from exacting revenge just when he was finally capable of doing so.

Li Er was filled with indignance on Ye Fan's behalf when he heard the same excuse being used.

Faced with Li Er's accusations, Ye Qingtian remained silent, his guilt apparent for all to see.

What Li Er said was right.


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