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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 2179

A hundred skilled martial artists were by no means a small number to ask for.

After all, a country with a huge population like China was considered impressive enough in the martial arts world if they could produce one skilled martial artist within a ten-year span.

As for some smaller nations, many of them could not necessarily produce one even after a fifty-year span.

The fact that Chu Tianqi asked for a hundred so flippantly meant that all the promising young talents from every nation were going to be claimed by him.

“D*mn that Chu Tianqi. What is he trying to do? Back then, Chu Yuan also dispatched people to search for promising individuals from all over the world. Now that Chu Yuan is dead and Chu Sect is done for, why is he still searching? What is their endgame?”

After Prince Carlo calmed down, he recalled Chu Sect's past acts and grew increasingly confused.

He remembered that Chu Sect had taken away nearly ten talented martial artists from Erihal.

After Chu Sect disbanded, Dragon God Hall sent those fighters back to their homeland.

Otherwise, without these young talents, the future of Erihal in the martial arts world would likely be plunged into annihilation.

Carlo assumed that with Chu Yuan's demise, everything horrible could come to an end and peace could return to the world.

However, nobody anticipated Chu Tianqi to appear out of the blue.

“It's all Chu Tianfan and Dragon God Hall's fault. They're all useless good-for-nothings. Why didn't they finish off Chu Tianqi? How did they let him escape? If Dragon God Hall had obliterated Chu Tianqi back then, none of this would've happened!” hissed Jared in anger, enduring the severe pain with clenched teeth as he leaned against the wall, breathing laboriously.

endured the severe pain with clenched teeth, leaning against the wall with labored breaths.

“You're right! Dragon God Hall was sloppy! If anything, Dragon God Hall should be the one to fix this! They're the ones who should also give up a hundred of their skilled martial artists!” exclaimed Mochizuki Kawa in agreement.

Everyone present murmured and nodded in agreement. They also thought that Ye Fan and his party had not done a good job by allowing Chu Tianqi to escape, leading to this incident today.

However, as everyone was criticizing Ye Fan and Dragon God Hall, Ye Qingtian and King Folo stared at Jared and the others as if they were looking at a bunch of fools.

“To think that all of you are a bunch of strong centenarians. After all these years, I think your miserable lives have amounted to nothing!” yelled Ye Qingtian.

He was finally unable to hold back his rage.

“What impertinence! Ye Qingtian, how dare you insult us?”

Jared was furious.

“Did I say something wrong? You're the ones who want to blame Ye Fan! What is he? Your fairy godmother? This is clearly your problem! Why does Ye Fan have to take responsibility for this?” retorted Ye Qingtian.

“Why, you...” Jared was so angry that he began to tremble.

“Ye Qingtian, are you trying to protect Chu Tianfan? Everyone knows that Chu Tianqi was taken away by Dragon God Hall! Now that Chu Tianqi is on the loose and running rampant, shouldn't Chu Tianfan, the leader of Dragon God Hall, be held responsible for this?” yelled Jared.

In a corner somewhere, King Folo also scoffed disdainfully.

“Fine. You're right. Everything you say is right. If that's the case, why don't you seek out Chu Tianfan? Tell him that Chu Tianqi has to die or you will end his life if he fails to comply.”

“I...” Jared was rendered speechless.

Dragon God Hall had long since made itself scarce. Ye Fan's whereabouts were unknown too.

Therefore, even if they wanted to hold Ye Fan accountable, they could not even find the man, let alone ask Ye Fan to deal with Chu Tianqi.

“Haha... What's with the silence? Go on and seek out Chu Tianfan. Go on and accuse him of his crimes. You might end up getting ripped to shreds by Chu Tianqi before you even uncover Chu Tianfan's footsteps!” sneered King Folo scornfully.

“It's one thing to encounter a problem and not know how to solve it. It's another to push the blame onto someone else! Why does everything have to be Ye Fan's fault?” asked Ye Qingtian angrily.

“I'm also wondering. Chu Tianqi was defeated by Ye Fan. So what if he lives or dies? You're a bunch of cowards who are so scared of Chu Sect that you went into hiding in the mountains. Do you think you have the right to point fingers at Ye Fan?” remarked Ye Qingtian sarcastically.

“What's next? Who are you going to blame when someone knocks up your wives? Why don't you blame that on Ye Fan too? This is absolutely preposterous, and you know it!”

Throughout this outburst, Ye Qingtian's eyes were filled with unbridled rage.

After that tirade, everyone was rendered speechless, their faces flushed red with embarrassment.

Even someone as stubborn and proud as Jared hung his head low.

After all, although Ye Qingtian's words were harsh, they made sense.


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