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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 2187

After Chen Jiuzhou became the Hall Master of War God Castle, he immediately initiated a drastic reform.

For ease of management, he split the martial arts world of China into four sectors.

Each sector would have a branch of War God Castle.

Chen Jiuzhou would elect the Hall Master of each branch to manage their own sectors, and they would only heed Chen Jiuzhou's orders.

Once the sectors were established, Chen Jiuzhou began setting up a registry for martial artists. All personal information, including their names, addresses, and cultivation ranks, would be recorded in the system.

As the saying went, a new broom swept clean.

Chen Jiuzhou's reformation was shocking but still sensible.

Thus, Ye Qingtian didn't have much to comment on it.

On the other hand, Sword Saint was uneasy when he heard the updates from his subordinates.

He went to Ye Qingtian to share his concern.

“What's wrong, Sword Saint? Why the long face? Are you doubtful of Jiuzhou's abilities?” Ye Qingtian asked.

Sword Saint shook his head. “I'm aware of Jiuzhou's capabilities. Not only is he skilled in cultivation, but he's also knowledgeable in managing the country's welfare. Even though the War God Castle used to rein over the martial arts world in name, the management was severely lacking. The administration was more akin to a civil organization than to a country. We didn't have much authority over the Martial Arts Associations in larger provinces. Under Jiuzhou's reform, the martial arts world of this nation now falls under one governing body. Every martial artist from every province will be subjected to the rule of War God Castle.”

Ye Qingtian asked curiously, “Isn't that a good change? The prestige and authority of War God Castle have increased. Won't that help to develop the martial arts world better?”

With worried lines streaked across his face, Sword Saint answered, “That's exactly what I'm worried about. Don't you think the authority of China's martial arts world is too concentrated on one person? The Hall Masters of the four branches only take their orders from Jiuzhou. The consolidation of all this power into Jiuzhou's hands and his eagerness to solidify his position rubs me the wrong way. It gives me the impression that he has some underlying motive for acting so fast.”

Sword Saint had held the Hall Master position for many years. He was the one in charge of the majority of the martial arts world's affairs before.

Hence, he was more sensitive to the impact of structural changes and power shifts as compared to Ye Qingtian.

He knew that freedom and leniency were essential to a well-developed martial arts world. Only the ideal environment would give rise to new skills and fighters.

However, Chen Jiuzhou was going in the opposite direction of that ideal vision instead. He rounded all the martial artists and succumbed them under the tight leash of the War God Castle.

Naturally, such an unusual move raised alarm bells in Sword Saint's mind.

“You're overthinking, Sword Saint. What ulterior motive would Jiuzhou have? All the effort and time he put into this shows his devotion to public interests. Stop assuming conspiracies in everything you see,” Ye Qingtian said, shrugging off Sword Saint's concern.

Meanwhile, a book was set on Chen Jiuzhou's table in the War God Castle. He sat in his chair with a grim expression as he flipped through the book.

The book listed the most talented up-and-coming elites in China.

However, after perusing the list, Chen Jiuzhou frowned.

“What is this? Why is the list from Jiangdong and Jiangbei missing?” Chen Jiuzhou questioned coldly.

Standing by his side was the Prince of Fighters, Mo Wuya. He stepped up and answered, “Jiuzhou, I was just about to report about it. Both Jiangdong and Jiangbei stated that they don't fall under the administration of War God Castle. They only take orders from the Dragon God Hall.”


By the end of Mo Wuya's report, Chen Jiuzhou slammed his palm onto the large marble table, pulverizing it into tiny pieces of stone.

“It seems the martial artists from these two provinces have a death wish. Deploy the War God Castle's law enforcement unit to Jiangdong and Jiangbei. Anyone who refuses to bow down to the War God Castle's rule will be eradicated on the spot.”

“What happens if the entire province refuses to obey?” Mo Wuya asked.

“Clear the entire Jiangdong, then. I can't let a province be independent of my rule since I'll be uniting China's martial arts world.”


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