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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 2214

“I have indeed looked into this before. According to the members of Chu Sect, Chu Yuan initiated his conquest in order to find Dragon Gate. Chu Yuan says Dragon Gate contains the power to help one achieve sainthood. By the way, Great-grandma, what is Dragon Gate? Does something like that in the mortal realm really contain the power to help people achieve sainthood?” Ye Fan said after giving it some thought.

I believed that I had already reached the peak in life. I used to think that climbing higher would allow one to see farther and have fewer problems in life. Now, I realize that I was wrong. Every time I reach new heights in life, more problems arise and get in my way. Right now, there are so many things that I can't even make sense of using my own knowledge. Be it Chu Yuan's mysterious identity, my father's whereabouts, and Wan'er's background... There are simply far too many mysteries in this world. The more I know, the more I realize how ignorant and insignificant I am.

Old Madam Chu had an expectant look in her eyes when she heard Ye Fan's question. “What's the matter? Are you trying to achieve sainthood as well?”

Ye Fan shook his head. “No, I was just asking out of curiosity, Great-grandma. A mere mortal like myself would never dare dream of something like sainthood. Besides, I don't want to become a saint.”

Ye Fan was telling the truth when he said he didn't want to become a saint.

After all, his family and friends were all in the mortal realm.

Even if he did achieve sainthood, he would be all by himself in the realm where saints live.

A life without the companionship of loved ones was meaningless to him.

It would be similar to a king sitting all by himself on his throne with no one around him.

All Ye Fan wanted was to treat Angie and find Qiu Mucheng.

“Okay, then. I know you don't crave power, but I do hope you will pursue the path of sainthood. The Chu family hasn't had a single saint since Mr. Yunyang, so our bloodline is getting weaker over time. If you are able to become a saint, then it would help make the Chu family powerful again. You could bring the Chu family back to its former glory. Of course, we can forget about all that if you don't have the desire to do so. After all, the path of cultivation is all about following your heart. You will never become a saint unless you take that path out of your own free will,” Old Madam Chu said and ended the topic after that.

She understood that everyone had their own goals in life.

As much as Old Madam Chu wanted Ye Fan to go far on the path of cultivation like Chu Yunyang did, she knew she couldn't force it upon him.

“It looks like we'll have to wait for someone else to resolve this earthly crisis, then,” she said with a sigh.

“What do you mean by that, Great-grandma?” Ye Fan asked curiously.

Old Madam Chu stood up and slowly walked around the courtyard as she replied, “I don't mind telling you if you want to know, but before I do, I have a story for you. A thousand years ago, this planet was invaded by an incredibly powerful foreign being. It consumed this planet's life force and completed its evolution. The Chu family's ancient books call that being 'Symborsus.' Symborsus isn't all that powerful on its own, but it has a way of using a form of spirit seal on humans and controlling them like puppets. The top ten supreme grandmasters of Sky Ranking became puppets of Symborsus and went around capturing talented martial artists. They then offered the martial artists up to Symborsus so it could feed on them and evolve.”


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