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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 2219


“War God, Sword Saint, and King of Fighters are going to participate in Dragon Gate Project as well?”

“Doesn't that mean we'll have three less spots for ourselves?”

A loud commotion broke out among the crowd after hearing about the participation of War God and the others.

Even so, they knew better than to complain about the arrangement.

After all, War God had done a lot for the country, so it would only be fair to grant him a spot in Dragon Gate's training even if he didn't get chosen.

That showed how effective Dragon Gate was at boosting one's power, as a person like War God wouldn't have been tempted by it otherwise.

The black Dragon Gate closed once again and went back into the ground right after Chen Jiuzhou finished making his announcement.

The crowd then dispersed as everyone left to make their preparations for the next day.

As the people left, Chen Jiuzhou noticed Ye Fan standing next to Ye Qingtian.

“You're still here, Chu Tianfan? I must say, you have some guts remaining in Mount Yan after hurting my subordinate! Did you really think I wouldn't dare kill you?” Chen Jiuzhou shouted with an icy-cold and murderous look in his eyes.

Ye Fan wasn't about to back down, either. “Feel free to go ahead and try.”

The tension in the air skyrocketed as the two stared each other down.

“Jiuzhou, have you forgotten what Moryana said? We cannot afford to have any mishaps now that Dragon Gate Project has entered its critical stage. Besides, Ye Fan only came over to Mount Yan to observe Dragon Gate Project out of curiosity. He has no ill intentions,” Ye Qingtian explained in an attempt to de-escalate the situation.

His explanation worked as Chen Jiuzhou stopped giving Ye Fan a hard time after hearing that.

“What's the matter? Does he want to participate in Dragon Gate training as well? If so, then that's perfectly fine. After all, we came up with Dragon Gate Project in order to strengthen the martial arts world of China, to begin with. Chu Tianfan may have disobeyed War God Castle's orders, but he is still a citizen of China. If he wishes to participate in this Dragon Gate training, War God Castle would be more than happy to grant him a spot in this training exercise.”

Chen Jiuzhou's sudden act of kindness caught both Ye Qingtian and Sword Saint completely off guard.

They were not expecting him to be so generous when it came to Dragon Gate training.

“Hahaha! I'm glad you feel that way, Jiuzhou! One must be able to let go of past grudges and see the bigger picture in order to achieve success. That is how you become a great leader. In order to rule a country, a king must first accept all of its people without discrimination. We feel safe handing China's martial arts world over to you.”

War God and Sword Saint both had relieved smiles on their faces.

Chen Jiuzhou simply kept quiet and flashed them a meaningful smile in response.

He then stopped asking Ye Fan to leave War God Castle and went off to take care of other things.

“Ye Fan, you should learn a thing or two from Jiuzhou on how to manage your personal grudges. Putting your individual strengths aside, having such a magnanimous mindset is crucial to achieving success in life. Do you have any idea how valuable a spot in this Dragon Gate training is? A wealthy merchant once offered Jiuzhou ten billion to purchase a spot for his son, but Jiuzhou turned him down. Even so, he has offered you a spot even without me asking him to. That shows how much he cares about China's future,” Ye Qingtian said with a relieved smile after Chen Jiuzhou left.


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