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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 2233

Ye Fan's sword technique was vast and seemingly endless, almost covering the entire sky.

Still, even after witnessing that, Moryana and the others were completely unfazed.

Perhaps to them, regardless of how Ye Fan retaliated, he was nothing more than a trapped beast putting up a futile struggle.

In their opinion, Ye Fan had no way out the moment they appeared.

To him, death was imminent and inevitable.

Just like that, Ye Fan unleashed a series of sword strikes.

The immense force collided fiercely with The Great Four's attacks.

However, the instant the attacks from both sides clashed, a golden streak of light dashed forward following the sword energy.

"Are you trying to launch a sneak attack amidst the chaos? You can only rely on such lousy tricks to seek a slim chance of survival."

Deafening explosions echoed in the distance, causing dust to fill the air.

Nevertheless, despite the mayhem, Moryana and the others could fathom Ye Fan's intention at a glance.

Unfortunately, that move merely caused them to find Ye Fan ridiculously childish.

"Brat, you're quite talented, but you're too inexperienced in actual combat."

"Do you really think you can successfully ambush us, The Great Four of the Empyrean Ranking?"

Asura also laughed.

They shook their heads as they spoke. Then, they sidestepped to avoid Ye Fan's sneak attack.

His palm strike ultimately hit nothing.

Seizing that moment, he slipped through the gap between Moryana and the others.

When Moryana and the others lifted their hands, preparing to strike Ye Fan to death, they shockingly realized that Ye Fan didn't turn back after his attack missed.

Channeling all his power to his legs, he stomped on the ground and leaped into the air, fleeing as far and fast as he could as if running for his life.

Seeing that, Moryana and the others' expressions changed drastically.

"Oh no! That brat has outwitted us! A sneak attack wasn't his goal. He was trying to escape." Asura was livid.

Moryana grimaced.

The Great Four were enraged, feeling they were being toyed with.

"Nevertheless, do you truly think you can get away?"

The Great Four of the Empyrean Ranking bellowed and immediately whirled around to give chase in the direction where Ye Fan took flight.

Their speed was clearly much faster than Ye Fan's.

In just a few blinks of an eye, they had already closed in within a hundred meters behind him.

"D*mn it! How are they so quick?" Ye Fan was anxious after glancing behind him.

Having no other choice, he turned around and threw a punch.

Absolute Force smashed toward Asura, who was in the lead.

"Hmph! Don't you feel embarrassed for resorting to such a puny trick?" Asura sneered and thrust his palm.

The formidable handprint dispersed Ye Fan's attack and continued tearing across the air without losing momentum, striking Ye Fan's back firmly.

Ye Fan didn't dodge. Instead, he endured the hit head-on.

The enormous handprint pushed Ye Fan's body forward, instantaneously accelerating him and sending him flying several kilometers away.

"Hahaha! Thank you!"

Ye Fan's cheeky laughter came from ahead.

Asura was beside himself with rage when he saw the distance that had just been closed widening again.

Moryana was furious. "Asura, you idiot! Whose side are you on?"

Moryana was eager to seize Ye Fan in the first place. Naturally, she was incensed after Asura sent Ye Fan flying further away.

"Shut up! I'll personally slaughter that d*mn brat!"

Asura was also exasperated. I can't believe I've been made a fool of by Ye Fan again. I've never suffered such humiliation in my entire life.

Anger washing over him, Asura utilized a secret technique, amplifying his speed by several folds.

The next second, he turned into a streak of light and rapidly approached Ye Fan.

When Ye Fan turned his head to sneak a look behind him, he knew he was done for as he didn't have any tricks left up his sleeve.

Left with no other choice, he screamed, "Why aren't you coming out yet, you d*mn calf? If they do away with me, who will find you a girl in the future?"


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