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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 2239

Chu Lin nodded even though he didn't fully grasp his great-grandmother's words.

Perhaps he didn't understand what the sun she spoke of meant.

However, it didn't matter. What mattered was that he knew his father was a hero.

"I miss Daddy, Great-Grandma. When will he come and pick me up? Also, where's Mommy? I miss her, too. I miss Grandma," uttered Chu Lin gloomily.

He couldn't recall many things from when he was younger.

However, he never forgot his loving grandmother and his strict mother who loved him. He also remembered his father, who was rarely at home but was well-respected by everyone.

I miss them. I want to eat Grandma's baked sweet potatoes, listen to Mommy's bedtime stories, and ride on Daddy's shoulders to look at the world. Why does the family I love leave me one by one? First, Grandma disappeared. Then, Mommy left. Now, even Daddy's gone.

Old Madam Chu's heart wrenched when she saw the tears streaming down his cheeks.

She embraced him and comforted him, "My good child, your parents are saving the world. You know, saving the world is a busy endeavor. Once they complete their task, they'll return to pick you up."

"Are you telling the truth, Great-Grandma? Can I really meet Mommy and Daddy again?" Lifting his tearful eyes, he stared at her with a pitiful, heartbreaking look.

"Yes. You're a good child, Lin. I can never bear to lie to you." The old woman smiled kindly, feeling sorry for the boy.

I remember how happy I was when I met Ye Fan for the first time. I was also incredibly proud to tell Ye Fan he's a member of the honorable Chu family. Back then, I thought his identity as a descendant of the family would make him proud because it could bring him influence and wealth. However, it seems that the identity has brought nothing but disasters for him. Not only did it hurt him, but it also hurt his child. If Ye Fan was just another ordinary person who could be spotted in the street instead of a member of the Chu family, perhaps he and his son wouldn't have needed to endure so much suffering and goodbyes. Lin is only a few years old, but he keeps losing the people important to him. He lost his grandmother, then his mother, and now, even his father. He's all alone, abandoned at this old residence. I may be able to provide him shelter and keep him safe, but I can't give him happiness.

Old Madam Chu felt that she owed the boy even more.

Just as the old woman was feeling guilty, Chu Lin suddenly wiped his tears away.

He stared at his great-grandmother and said through gritted teeth, "I want to learn martial arts so that I can be as amazing as Daddy, Great-Grandma! I want to be a hero like him!"

The old woman was stunned. "Are you sure about this, Lin? You'll certainly gain strength on the path to becoming a martial artist, but death and danger await you, too. When your father asked me to care for you, he wished you wouldn't enter the martial arts world. He wants you to be a normal person and grow up safely."

I can tell he has a talent for martial arts. Additionally, there seems to be a great power dwelling within his body. Once unleashed, his starting point would undoubtedly surpass Ye Fan's. With proper guidance, he may achieve greater heights than his father. If not for Ye Fan's wish, I would've taught the boy martial arts already. However, I know Ye Fan doesn't want his son to walk the same path as he did and suffer a similar fate. He's utterly disappointed by the martial arts world, so it makes sense he doesn't want his child to get involved with that nasty community.

"I want to learn, Great-Grandma! I want to become powerful so I can help Daddy and protect him!" Chu Lin insisted.

His childish words elicited a contented smile on his great-grandmother's face. "I bet your father will be delighted to hear this. However, that wish of yours is all you need. Listen to your father and be an ordinary person."

The old woman didn't plan to break her promise with Ye Fan.

Just as she was speaking, she suddenly noticed something.

Her expression shifted as she lifted her head.

Then she heard footsteps rushing toward the residence.

They found this place already? Fine by me. If you kill my great-grandchild, I'll present your heads to him as offerings!


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