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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 224

"$50 million!” said Sun Yu-Hao domineeringly the moment the auctioneer reported the starting bid.

The bid instantly increased by $10 million. His tremendous domineering aura shook the crowd.

All the rich men who were keen on bidding swallowed their offers.

"$60 million!"

When the crowd became quiet, Shen Fei stepped forward as expected.

Everyone laughed bitterly and killed their thoughts of bidding for it.

When these spectacularly rich people decided to fight, the less wealthy ones quickly decided not to participate in case they ended up becoming collateral damage.

Sun Yu-Hao was undaunted by Shen Fei competing. He upped the bid again by $20 million at one go, "$80 million!”

When Sun Yu-Hao made his bid, the crowd went quiet.

Even Shen Fei paled slightly. He was a little nervous as he asked, "Mr Ye, should I keep going?"

"Don't be a wuss. Keep going," said Ye Fan calmly while he smiled.

"Okay!" When he heard Ye Fan's words, Shen Fei upped the bid, "$90 million!"

"Heavens! $90 million!"

"Young Master Shen made a $90 million bid."

"Does anyone want to go any higher?" the auctioneer was thrilled.

Sun Yu-Hao was starting to feel stressed by its rising price. But he gritted his teeth and yelled, "$100 million! I must have this stone. Does anyone else want to vie with me?

The crowd was uproarious. The $100 million bid was a new record in the history of this jade stone auction. Sun Yu-Hao became the center of attraction once again.

Shen Fei then got up to up the bid, but Ye Fan pulled him and said, "It's okay. You don't have to go further."

"Damn, Mr Ye, what are you doing? This is the last stone among all the star attractions. If I give this one up, there will be none left. We already gave up all the other ones, so why can't I buy this? Then how can I recoup my losses? I would have come to the jade exhibition for nothing!" Shen Fei was so anxious he almost wanted to cry.

Ye Fan was the one that told him to bid for it, but now Ye Fan was also the one telling him to stop. So naturally, Shen Fei was perplexed.

Ye Fan shook his head and smiled, "It's just some stupid stone. If you successfully bid for it, you might just jump off the building. I'll be honest with you. Stone number 9 is worse them stone number 2 because it contains nothing but rock.

There isn't a scrap of jade in it. I told you to compete with him so that you could push the price up.”



Ye Fan's words gave both Shen Fei and Han Shao-Jie a shock instantly.

"Are you certain, Mr Ye? That $100 million jade stone nothing but rock?" Shen Fei was in disbelief.


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