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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 2250

“Mr. Li, what do you mean by this?” The crowd exclaimed in confusion.

“We don't understand.” Those words from Li Er had undoubtedly left the martial arts world from various provinces in a state of utter perplexity. The crowd questioned Li Er with confusion, utterly bewildered by his statement.

“Don't understand? Is it truly beyond your comprehension? It appears to me that you're merely feigning ignorance, aren't you?”

Li Er sneered, his eyes turning icy as he scanned the crowd.

“Do you now understand that Mr. Chu is not only a national hero but also the savior of our nation?”

“I ask you, where were you when Mr. Chu faced accusations and relentless attacks from thousands of individuals?”

“Where were each and every one of you when Mr. Chu suffered the weight of condemnation? When he was labeled a disgrace and the scourge of the nation, where were your voices?” He paused, allowing his words to hang in the air.

“Oh, I almost forgot. Among those who wished for Mr. Chu's demise in those trying times, every single one of you was included. It was you who labeled Mr. Chu a disgrace to our nation. It was you who desired a dreadful end for Mr. Chu.”

“You, yes, all of you, are the very ones who pushed Mr. Chu to his untimely demise. And now, with what audacity do you seek refuge with Mr. Chu?”

Li Er's eyes glimmered with icy coldness, his gaze laced with scornful mockery. Those consecutive questions thundered like an explosion, reverberating with his furious voice, tinged with profound sorrow, echoing through the vast expanse of heavens and earth.

Faced with Li Er's piercing interrogation, the crowd hung their heads low. Some are overwhelmed with a mixture of shame, guilt, and remorse.

“Mr. Li, please forgive us. Back then, it was a grave misunderstanding on our part. We never could have fathomed that the Dragon Gate would truly bring calamity upon us,” one person spoke up.

“If only we had known earlier, we would have stood by the Unrivalled Grandmaster's side.”

“We would have aided the Unrivalled Grandmaster in fighting against Chen Jiuzhou, dismantling the Dragon Gate together,” the individual continued, his words laced with bitterness. Indeed, they were at fault in that matter. When Ye Fan courageously ventured to Mount Yan alone, with the intention of eradicating the Dragon Gate, not only did they fail to lend a helping hand, but instead, he became the target of entire China's martial arts world. Moreover, they actively participated in the pursuit of Ye Fan.

Some even reveled in the news of Ye Fan's demise in a nuclear explosion, finding it to be a relieving development and deriving great satisfaction from it. After all, in the eyes of the world at that time, Ye Fan was seen as a wicked and malevolent individual. His destruction of the Dragon Gate was perceived as an act aimed at hindering others from attaining power that could challenge his own position.

Thus, many harbored a strong desire for Ye Fan's demise, convinced that such a person deserved death. Yet, who could have foreseen that in less than a year, the tables would turn so drastically? The one who was once condemned by the world as a criminal, scum, and tyrant turned out to be the true protector. Conversely, those they had once regarded as leaders and embodiments of righteousness were unveiled as the true villains. Irony! The greatest irony!

Sometimes, even they themselves felt disillusioned by the complexities of this world.

“A mere misunderstanding? Do you truly believe that brushing it off with a couple of words can absolve you of the foolish deeds you committed? Do you think a casual explanation can make up for the immense grievances and hardships Mr. Chu endured?”

Li Er retorted once again. The people in the crowd lifted their heads and pleaded, “Mr. Li, what do you expect from us then? We can, at most, offer annual tributes and pay homage to the Unrivalled Supreme. However, now is not the time for such discussions.”

“Chen Jiuzhou is a cruel and heartless tyrant, and China's martial arts world is facing a matter of life and death. We believe that if the Unrivalled Grandmaster were still alive, he would never passively stand aside!” Anxiety filled their voices as they attempted to manipulate Li Er using appeals to morality.

“Shut up!” Before they could say more, Li Er exploded in a fit of rage, abruptly standing up.

“How dare you utter such words with a straight face?” Li Er continued, his tone seething with contempt.

“Have you no shame for the things you did to Mr. Chu? Are you completely devoid of self-awareness?”

“Not to mention that even if Mr. Chu left behind any trump cards, I would never entrust them to the likes of you!”

“What does the survival of this world have to do with me? What does it have to do with Mr. Chu?” Li Er's voice grew even more fervent.

“If calamity befalls from the heavens, it may be forgiven. But if one brings calamity upon oneself, there is no redemption!”

“Back then, when Mr. Chu destroyed Dragon Gate, he did so with the intention of saving all of you. Yet, your lack of foresight and ingratitude ultimately led to his demise!”


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