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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 2256

“Of course, I want to. A year ago, I disbanded the Dragon God Hall, left the martial arts world, and secluded myself in this secret realm, avoiding the world and not concerning myself with worldly affairs. Why did I do this? It's all because I want to break through to the god realm and extend Angie's life by a hundred years! But in the end...”

Ye Fan shook his head with a smile, his face full of self-mockery. In the end, he still overestimated his own abilities. “Ye Fan, there's no need for you to blame yourself. The god realm is inherently elusive, and it cannot be reached through mere effort alone. Most of the time, it's about luck. You're just lacking a bit of luck, that's all,” Wan'er gently comforted.

Ye Fan bitterly smiled.

“Wan'er, you don't have to comfort me. In the end, it was me, Ye Fan, who causes Angie harm.”

Whenever he thought of the fact that Angie secretly came to China to find him and ended up being harmed by his uncle and cousin, his heart ached. Seeing Ye Fan in such distress, Wan'er couldn't bear it anymore.

“Ye Fan, actually, there is a way.”

Upon hearing this, Ye Fan was taken aback and quickly turned his head.

“What is it?” Wan'er appeared hesitant, as if she wanted to say something but stopped herself.

“Ye Fan, actually, I don't want to tell you because it's full of danger, even for you. But I know that if you can't save Angie, you'll probably blame yourself for the rest of your life. So, I have no choice but to tell you.”

Wan'er sighed. Although she didn't want Ye Fan to face danger, she was even more unwilling to see him unhappy and upset.

“Ye Fan, do you still remember the story you told me about your ancestors and their encounters with Symborsus? Didn't you also mention that before you left the secular world, someone was pushing hard for the Dragon Gate Project? If I'm not mistaken, the sinister plot at hand is the work of Symborsus. It ties to control the leaders and higher-ups of your martial arts world through spiritual means. Then, with their help, the Dragon Gate Project is being carried out. In that case, it would be able to enslave a large number of martial arts masters and gain a significant amount of high-level combat power,” Wan'er said slowly.

Ye Fan had already made his speculations about it.

“Yeah, this must be the sinister plot of Symborsus. But I don't understand. If Symborsus has already controlled The Great Four on the Empyrean Ranking, why bother going to great lengths to enslave others? After all, even if it nurtures dozens more Supreme masters, I'm afraid their combined strength still wouldn't be a match for those few masters on the Empyrean Ranking. Could it be that it wants to nurture god realm masters?”

In fact, during this past year, although Ye Fan was isolated from the world, he had always been concerned about what was happening outside. He kept wondering, what exactly was the purpose of Symborsus. Wan'er shook her head.

“God realm masters can't simply be nurtured into existence. Even those four masters on the Empyrean Ranking you mentioned, I reckon, are at most at the demigod realm. Its purpose is to activate the Sky Gate Formation!”


Upon hearing Wan'er's words, Ye Fan was once again taken aback. Wan'er continued, “In the ancient books of our clan, there is a record of a story. The Sky Gate Formation can open the Sky Gate, granting people the might of a heavenly being and bestowing the heavenly power. In this case, the so-called heavenly power is probably the god realm power. However, the Sky Gate Formation is a sacrificial formation. It requires a large number of powerful individuals to offer their blood as a sacrifice in order to activate the Sky Gate Formation,”

Wan'er explained in a deep voice. Upon hearing these words, Ye Fan couldn't help but shudder suddenly.

“Do you mean Symborsus is pushing for the Sky Gate Formation to force all those martial artists who have passed the trials to sacrifice their lives?”

Ye Fan felt a chill down his spine.


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