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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 228

Sun Yu-Hao prepared a long time for this moment. He spent a lot of money so that he could dazzle everyone at the jade stone auction. Then he could stand on the stage in the limelight and express his love for Qiu Mu-Cheng.

But he didn't expect his glory to be stolen by the good-for-nothing that he hated the most.

Sun Yu-Hao thought he had lost to Shen Fei. Only now did he know that the person he lost to was Ye Fan.

But he was just a poor country bumpkin and a live-in husband. What gave him the right to stand there and enjoy everyone's respect?

Sun Yu-Hao's eyes were bloodshot, and he was deeply resentful.

At first, he wanted to use the jade stone auction to prove himself. But his plans blew in his face, and he made a mockery of himself. Instead, he handed the chance to Ye Fan. Of course, Sun Yu-Hao was breaking down in his heart.

In reality, Sun Yu-Hao wasn't alone as Han Fei-Fei, and the others were equally shocked.

"It was him! Was it really him?! How could a country bumpkin know anything about rock gambling? How...how is this possible?" Han Hai and Han Fei-Fei were in complete disbelief. Ye Fan was useless in their eyes all along and was equal to trash. But today he managed to surprise everyone and was now standing on the stage to look down on everyone. The father and daughter were shocked.

But regardless of their shock, the truth was the truth no matter how incredible it was.

The man that they looked down on the most was now standing at centerstage and receiving everyone's admiration. It was quite the glory.

"It was unexpected that the Mr Ye that Young Master Shen was talking about is so young. As they say, the most outstanding people come from the youth. Sir, Young Master Shen, was saying that the reason he managed to shine at the auction was all because of you. At the most critical time, you turned the tides and stopped Young Master Shen from making major losses. You had a keen eye. Then you fought against the odds. It was you with the Midas touch that found him the Yang green glass jade."

"I'm certain that one day, Little Teacher will be highly respected in the rough jade industry! In the future, there will be a lot of people who will want to befriend Little Teacher and want to marry you! Before Little Teacher shares your experience of looking at stones, I hope you can introduce yourself to everyone," said the host sweetly after Ye Fan went on stage and everyone's attention turned to Ye Fan.

And just like what the host said earlier, many people here wanted to befriend this capable young man. There were even some who were determined to hire Ye Fan as their companies' consultants with a million dollar annual income.

After all, given his keen eye for rock gambling, it was a matter of time before he created huge profits.

Other than that, many of the single rich ladies present were batting their eyes at him Ye Fan. Some of the more extroverted girls even professed their interest to court him, marry him, and be his wife.

Qiu Mu-Cheng stood in the crowd silently as he listened and watched. When she heard people saying they wanted to marry Ye Fan and be his wife, she felt very smug in her heart.

After all, probably any wife would feel equally proud and smug if they heard your husband was so popular.

Of course, the people here were most curious about Ye Fan's identity.


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