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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 2299

After all, the outcome could no longer be altered.

Rather than wasting away there, it was better to end it sooner.

So that those who were still alive could be spared from further pain and torment.

As Ye Fan faced death with equanimity, the spiritual energy of Symborsus in the mind of Moon God grew increasingly formidable.

Before their very eyes, Moon God's final struggle was on the verge of being devoured by Symborsus' power emanating from the spirit seal.

At last, everyone watched as Moon God once again raised her sword.


“Stop right there!”

Beneath Mount Kransbay, the moment they saw Moon God raise her sword again, the hearts of Ye Qingtian and the others instantly turned cold.

Given Ye Fan's current condition, even if no further attacks were made, he would likely bleed to death.

Moon God raised her sword once again, and Ye Fan feared he might no longer be able to withstand that round of attack.

“How could this happen? We clearly won. Why are there still people? Isn't Moon God on the same side as Ye Fan? Why did she have to harm Ye Fan?” In the land of India, witnessing all of this, Noa couldn't help but burst into tears.

Junie, standing to the side, also clenched her fists tightly.

Even though she was well aware that Moon God was now under someone else's control, the latter's action was still unforgivable.

Junie had made up her mind. If Ye Fan truly died by Moon God's sword, she would exhaust all means, even if it meant depleting all the power of her sect, to kill Moon God and avenge Ye Fan.

The situation has taken a nosedive, and many people have already lost hope.

There was no possibility left.

Ye Fan, gravely injured, could only await his fate in the face of Moon God's second sword strike.

Just like that, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Moon God raised her sword, aiming it at Ye Fan's head.

But just when everyone thought that Ye Fan's life was about to come to a complete end, at the moment when Moon God's sword was about to sever Ye Fan's head from his neck, in the next moment, something happened that took everyone by surprise.

Suddenly, the sword that was originally thrust toward Ye Fan unexpectedly turned.

The sharp longsword was unexpectedly pointed at Moon God herself, thrusting fiercely into her chest.

“Eigetsu, no! Don't!”

Everyone was shocked and horrified.

Ye Fan's pupils contracted sharply, his expression dramatically changing.

After all, no one expected that the final choice of Moon God would be like that.


The long sword swept across, piercing through her body.

The delicate and exquisite body of Moon God was pierced in an instant.

The deep crimson blood slowly dripped down the edge of the sword.

Moon God's first strike pierced through her own chest.

Then, she drew out the sword, thrusting it toward her elixir field for the second strike.

A person's elixir field was the place where strength was stored.

Without a doubt, Moon God's action was to disperse her own power and cultivation.

“D*mn it! What are you doing? You fool! Have you lost your mind?” Symborsus, which was attached to the body of Moon God, had completely lost its sanity.

He never would have imagined that this woman would defy his orders in such a way.

“Jerk! Worthless! You fool!” Symborsus raged like thunder, cursing Moon God in madness.

Originally, he had everything all planned out.

Ye Fan was now on the brink of death. A mere flick of Moon God's sword would be enough to end him completely.

After eliminating Ye Fan, Moon God could take a brief rest. Then, she could ascend Celestial Road and open Sky Gate.

But now, Moon God had surprisingly turned the sword on herself.

Her elixir field was destroyed, and her chest pierced through.

Even if this foolish woman doesn't die, she'll be nothing more than a burden. It's simply impossible to help her to help me accomplish anything anymore. “Idiot! Earthlings are all a bunch of idiots. You're all idiots!” Symborsus cursed in anger, roaring almost to the point of madness.

At that point, the plan of Symborsus had undoubtedly come to a complete end, utterly ruined.

Celestial Road, it seemed, was destined to remain unconquered by anyone.


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