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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 2324

“I think, perhaps the Unrivalled Supreme is wrong?”

“It must be an exaggeration to scare people.”

“It's just a tree. How could it possibly be related to the end of the world?”

“Exactly, and it's not that we are misjudging him. Over the past year, that divine tree has greatly benefited our martial arts world. In just one short year, we have witnessed the natural treasures of Mount Kransbay nurture several grandmasters. There were even one or two who became supreme grandmasters. But now, the Unrivalled Supreme wants to destroy it. Isn't this cutting off their path to climb upward?”

Everyone was chiming in, voicing their opinions one after another.

Of course, most people chose not to believe Ye Fan.

However, there were also those who expressed doubt.

“If this tree truly benefits us and does no harm, then why did Symborsus risk his life to push open the Sky Gate back then?”

“Could it be that Symborsus was actually good and intended to help our martial arts world?”

Suddenly, everyone fell silent.

At this moment, someone else continued to speak.

“Also, I heard that the Unrivalled Supreme has been wreaking havoc at the peak of Mount Kransbay. In the end, despite the relentless bombardment that lasted for three full days, not a single leaf or branch of the divine tree was destroyed. I believe everyone understands the power of the Unrivalled Supreme. Yet, even so, the divine tree could still withstand such damage. Clearly, the tree is extraordinarily abnormal, far from anything that can be understood by common sense.”

As soon as someone spoke these words, the atmosphere in the room fell into a more resounding silence.

Clearly, some people had already started to waver.

However, after a long debate, everyone was still unable to make a decision.

Ultimately, everyone's gazes fell entirely on Sword Saint, who was presiding over the meeting.

Clearly, they were hoping that Sword Saint could offer some constructive suggestions.

“I've heard everyone's opinions. Now, I would like to share my own perspective. Some say that the Unrivalled Supreme wants to destroy the divine tree out of selfishness as he wants to cut off our path to ascension and hinder the development of the martial arts world. I think this is complete nonsense. Everyone has had interactions with the Unrivalled Supreme for a long time now. From the battle in the rainforest to the matter of the spirit fruits and then there was the threat of Chu Sect and after that was what Symborsus did. Every time the martial arts world falls into a desperate situation, the Unrivalled Supreme always steps forward in time, turning the tide at the last moment, making every effort to save the desperate situation. If he had ulterior motives, why would he repeatedly save the martial arts world? In any case, from what I know about the Unrivalled Supreme, he is certainly not a narrow-minded person. He must have truly discovered some information that we are unaware of. Of course, I dare not assert that everything Chu Tianfan says is true. However, history and what we've been through have proven time and again that in certain aspects, the perception and acuity of the Unrivalled Supreme surpasses that of most of us.”

The words of Sword Saint were indeed reasonable and well-founded.

For a moment, the voices questioning Ye Fan undoubtedly became much quieter.

“So, do you mean that we should help the Unrivalled Supreme and destroy the divine tree together?” someone asked Sword Saint.

Sword Saint shook his head. “I don't think we have to do that. I believe we should first send experts in the relevant fields to conduct a thorough study and research on Mount Kransbay. Even if we can't identify the species of the tree, at the very least, we can delve deeply into understanding its characteristics as it will provide a basis for our upcoming decisions!” Sword Saint suggested.

His words, undoubtedly, resonated with many people present.

In the end, everyone unanimously decided to first dispatch a research team to study the region around Mount Kransbay.

And so, in the following days, under the leadership of the International Martial Arts Union, a large research team consisting of scientists, martial artists, botanists, geographers, sociologists, and many others from countless fields, set off toward the Mount Kransbay region.

The subject of the divine tree became a field of curiosity overnight and was eagerly pursued by countries worldwide.

At War God Castle, Sword Saint and Ye Qingtian were still discussing matters about the divine tree.


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