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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 2329

Naturally, Ye Fan had no idea about the decisions made at the International Martial Arts Union meeting.

At this moment, he was wandering between the grand mountains and rivers of China.

In just a few short months, Ye Fan had almost traveled to every corner of China.

He had been to Jiangbei and Jiangdong.

Even Xemrich and the three provinces of Durbaine bore the footprints of Ye Fan.

However, the person Ye Fan was looking for was still nowhere to be found.

At this point, half a year had already passed since Ye Fan left the secret realm of India.

As for the extent of the international situation's development, Ye Fan was completely in the dark.

He often saw in the news that major countries are vigorously developing their space exploration programs, with a large number of spaceships being built.

Moreover, as countries around the world were stockpiling food, it led to a soaring increase in grain prices globally within half a year.

Through various clues, Ye Fan also faintly sensed something unusual.

Ah, that means that the top brass from various countries has already started preparing for the end of days.

But in this vast world, there are billions of people.

When the end of days arrived, how many people would be fortunate enough to board Noah's Ark?

When the time comes, I'm afraid that the countless ordinary people will be the only ones to perish alongside the Earth.

As the saying goes, “When the nation prospers, the people suffer.”

When the kingdom falls, the people suffer.

In times of world peace, it is the vast majority of people who do the hardest work, yet receive the smallest wages.

And those affluent elites enjoy a luxurious lifestyle in the comfort of their homes. It is a lifestyle that ordinary people can hardly achieve in their entire lives.

The day of the apocalypse marks the obliteration of the vast majority of the populace, reduced to mere ashes. Yet, the privileged elites who are high above the rest, are still able to escape Earth on spaceships, securing a glimmer of hope for survival.

Is this fair?

This is so unfair!

But Ye Fan had no choice.

In the end, his abilities were limited.

On the day of the apocalypse, all he could protect were merely the friends and family by his side.

Huh... This world is truly cruel.

Ye Fan didn't have time to be sentimental, so he continued on his journey to find his wife.

During this period, the martial arts worlds of various countries were methodically advancing their plans to destroy Universe Tree.

Even Ye Fan, who was thousands of miles away, saw a mushroom cloud rising from the distant east.

The news reported it as a nuclear test.

But Ye Fan could guess that it must be that humans had used nuclear bombs on Universe Tree.

“But, it's too late, far too late.”

“If a seed has just begun to sprout, it can still be destroyed by human force.”

“Now, it's almost impossible.”

Ye Fan felt a wave of emotion in his heart.

No one could be blamed for this matter.

After all, when faced with the unknown, no one could make the right decision at the first instance.

Even Ye Fan believed that Universe Tree would not pose a significant threat to humanity at the beginning.

But by the time they learned of its capabilities and tried to take action, it was already too late.

Hence, Ye Fan just sighed and continued his search for Qiu Mucheng.

No matter where he traveled across the nation, no matter how far he searched across the land, it was as if Qiu Mucheng had simply evaporated from the face of the earth.

Surprisingly, there was not a shred of news.

“Oh, Mucheng, where should I go to find you?”

At the peak of the high mountain, Ye Fan tilted his head towards the sky and let out a long, mournful sigh.

Beneath Mount Kransbay.

There were towering trees that reach the sky.

Within a kilometer radius of this massive tree, the branches were lush and the leaves were dense. Exotic flowers and unusual plants compete for attention with their vibrant colors and unique beauty.

However, beyond this one kilometer, there was nothing but barren hills and desolate wilderness.

The wind was biting cold, and the heavy snow filled the sky.

The pure white snow blanketed the entire land.

Indeed, it was as if all the birds had vanished over the mountains, and human traces had disappeared from the myriad paths!

In the midst of this boundless snowstorm, a slender figure quietly emerged, treading through the snow. His direction was precisely where Universe Tree stood.

Meanwhile, under Universe Tree, countless wooden houses and tents stood side by side.

However, these camps were basically empty now.

Many things were covered in a thick layer of yellow soil.


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