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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 2335

When Ye Fan woke up, he found himself lying in a woman's arms.

Her soft, delicate body and the intoxicating scent she exuded brought unparalleled joy to his heart.

“Ye Fan, you're awake? Does it still hurt?” Duanmu Wan'er's breath was as lovely as an orchid as she gently blew on the wound on Ye Fan's forehead.

Ye Fan suddenly woke up, recalling that he seemed to have been attacked by something before he passed out.

Then, he sat up from Duanmu Wan'er's arms and turned to her, asking, “Wan'er, are you okay? Are you unharmed? Just now, I think I spotted two figures. There must be someone else in this palace.”

Ye Fan's eyes were filled with seriousness.

He speculated that the palace before his eyes should be a treasure left behind by a great power from thousands of years ago.

It could even possibly be something belonging to a celestial.

In the abode of the celestial master, if there truly were remnants of living beings, how powerful must they have been?

Ye Fan could no longer dare to imagine.

He felt an indescribable sense of crisis welling up in his heart.

Duanmu Wan'er, however, let out a silly laugh. “You should've heeded my advice earlier instead of rushing things. How does it feel to mess up?”

“You're still laughing? Let's get out of here first, then we can plan our next move!” Ye Fan looked around, realizing that he and Duanmu Wan'er were clearly still inside the celestial palace.

The pavilions and towers around were still filled with the chirping of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

However, Ye Fan clearly no longer had the comfort and ease he had before.

Instead, he became cautious, feeling that the celestial palace had become dangerous and mysterious.

“Don't worry, Ye Fan. As long as we don't enter the main hall, we won't be in danger.” Duanmu Wan'er comforted.

Ye Fan was taken aback. “What do you mean?”

Duanmu Wan'er didn't say a word. Instead, she picked up a stone from her side and threw it in the direction of the main hall ahead.

As the stone was about to cross the first step, a shadow suddenly appeared out of nowhere. With a single punch, the figure shattered the stone.

After shattering it, the shadow swiftly vanished into hiding.

“It's him! The one who attacked me just now was him!” shouted Ye Fan.

The other party moved at an astonishing speed. That was the second time they had appeared, yet Ye Fan had only managed to catch a glimpse of their afterimage.

That undoubtedly made Ye Fan feel as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

After all, it was likely no human in the world could reach that speed.

Duanmu Wan'er nodded. “I know. They must be the guardians of this celestial palace, protecting the grand hall for hundreds and thousands of years. When you barged in recklessly just now, it's only natural that you were attacked.”

Only then did Ye Fan come to a realization.

When he recalled what happened earlier, he confirmed that after he stepped onto the stairs, he was attacked.

“My apologies for being impatient. Indeed, such a celestial palace would naturally have beings guarding it. It's not that easy for us mere mortals to get involved. Wan'er, do you have a way to deal with those two celestial palace guards?” asked Ye Fan

He became eager to enter the grand hall, curious to see if there were any treasures within that could perhaps save the Earth from disaster.

Duanmu Wan'er shook her head. “I don't really understand this guard yet. Just these past few days, I've been observing them and have come to understand some of their habits and patterns. As long as you don't step on the stairs, they won't attack you. However, I have no idea about his actual strength or his techniques. Ye Fan, since you're here, I think you can give it a try.”

Duanmu Wan'er revealed a somewhat mischievous smile, looking at Ye Fan.

Ye Fan was stunned. “How should I test it?”

Duanmu Waner laughed. “It's very simple. Just go up there and pick a fight with them.”

Ye Fan's eye twitched. “Wan'er, you little rascal. Are you trying to kill me? This is a celestial palace, so the creatures guarding it are naturally far from ordinary mortals! I barely took a step in, and I almost got killed. You still want me to go up and get beaten?”

Ye Fan was not a fool.

Earlier, Ye Fan didn't even get a clear look at their faces before he was knocked unconscious on the spot.


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