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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 2343

Sword Saint hurriedly rushed forward, blocking the path of War God.

At the same time, go check on the injury of Prince of Fighters, Mo Wuya.

"Wuya, are you alright?"

Sword Saint helped Mo Wuya up from the ground.

Mo Wuya, feeling deeply hurt, abruptly pushed Sword Saint away and spat out the blood at the corner of his mouth.

"Leave me alone. I won't die!"

After he finished speaking, Mo Wuya quietly retreated to a corner by himself, secretly wiping away his tears.

Seeing the situation, Sword Saint didn't know what to say.

He had no choice but to turn around and blame War God.

"Ye, look at the mess you've created."

"Why don't you say something comforting to Wuya quickly?"

War God, however, was still seething with anger. "What? What comforting words?"

"So, the mighty pillar of China, one of the Hall Masters of War God Castle, stoops to drinking with the son of a commoner, humbly begging such a spoiled brat. Is this something you're proud of?"

"This is simply an insult to the martial arts world of China!"

"This is an insult to the title!" War God roared in rebuke.

Upon hearing these words, Mo Wuya undoubtedly felt even more hurt.

Despite striving to secure benefits for the martial artists and to increase their chances of survival, not only did I receive no praise, but I was even harshly criticized.

This instantly left Mo Wuya feeling greatly defeated. He felt that all his efforts were not recognized.

"Alright, alright, I won't interfere anymore."

"I don't want these fifty spots anymore. Take them back."

"Let's all die together!"

"Let's bury it along with this Earth."

"Let's die together in this apocalypse!"

Mo Wuya, with red eyes, was yelling.

"Wuya, what are you talking about?"

"Can't you keep your mouth shut!"

"How could you speak to Mr. Ye like this?"

"Apologize now!"

Sword Saint sternly reprimanded.

Mo Wuya simply wiped away his tears, turning his head without uttering a word.

Seeing the situation, Sword Saint also felt helpless.

"Alright, you can go back first."

"Today, you've worked hard."

Seeing the aggrieved expression on Mo Wuya's face, Sword Saint immediately felt a pang of heartache.

He didn't blame him any further. Instead, he let him go.

"Ye, Wuya has also put in a lot of effort. Why do you speak of him in such a way?

"I understand. You think it's beneath his dignity as a Supreme to beg for a few spots. It tarnishes the reputation of War God Castle, and even more so, it undermines the prestige of his title.

"However, times have changed.

"Times have changed from what they used to be.

"No matter how powerful we martial artists become, we ultimately can't fly into outer space.

"If we want to survive now, we can only place our hopes on those working in the field of technology.

"Those people are our only hope for survival.

"Currently, countries around the world are sparing no expense to develop their long-distance navigation industries.

"Even we, as martial artists, participate as supporting forces.

"During this time, various factions are competing against each other, hoping to secure a larger allocation of spots.

"As a member of War God Castle, Wuya is one of the leaders of the martial arts community of China. He fights for our interests. What's wrong with that?

"He swallowed his pride, disregarded his own dignity, and humbly pleaded for my sake as a martial artist in the scorching summer. Isn't that even more respectable?

"How could you possibly blame him?

"Today, you really acted on impulse."

Sword Saint explained the current situation with War God, while simultaneously criticizing him.


"All you know is to run away?"

"Sword Saint, let me ask you. Why do we exhaust our entire lives to master this power?

"Is it just to save our own skin?

"To survive on an alien planet for the rest of our lives?

"If that's the case, what's the use of us learning all these skills?

"As martial artists, we should bear the responsibility and courage to face disasters when they come. We should possess the sentiment of rescuing the world from dire straits.


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