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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 2355

On the summit of Mount Yunding, the grand mansion still stood tall and unwavering. The lush trees and vibrant flowers had flourished, creating a dense canopy that adorned the surroundings.

During the chaotic period of the Chu Sect's upheaval, Chu Yuan, accompanied by the formidable masters of the Chu Sect, had besieged Mount Yunding, nearly reducing it to ruins.

After the fierce battle, the mountain was left in ruins.

However, with the passage of several years, the scars of war had all but disappeared.

Mount Yunding had undergone a transformation, presenting a completely new appearance.

The verdant hills retained their timeless beauty, basking in the warm hues of countless sunsets.

Ultimately, the outcomes of success or failure seemed insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

Truly, what significance did Ye Fan's triumph from years ago hold?

It amounted to nothing more than a brief respite, a few years of teetering on the edge of survival.

While narrowly evading one catastrophe, they were inexorably hurtling toward destruction in the face of the looming next calamity.

Ye Fan often found himself contemplating his existence, a ceaseless cycle of striving, cultivating, and battling.

Driven by vengeance against Chu Yuan and the desire to dismantle the Chu Sect, his struggles extended to fierce confrontations with Symborsus and the ongoing challenges posed by the Universe Tree.

He pondered that once he fulfilled all his duties, he could finally dedicate himself entirely to his family.

Alas, as one wave subsided, another swiftly emerged.

Years ago, Ye Fan had made a promise to his wife—a commitment to accompany her to witness the Northern Lights, to marvel at mountains, rivers, lakes, and seas. Yet, as of now, that promise remained unfulfilled.

It seemed increasingly likely that it might never come to pass because, in a few short years, the very existence of this world could be in jeopardy.

As the saying goes, "a familiar scene may stir up one's past memories and feelings."

Ye Fan found himself overwhelmed with myriad emotions, particularly as he pushed open the grand doors of the mansion once more, greeted by a scene that stirred indescribable emotions within him.

When the mansion underwent renovations years ago, Ye Fan specifically instructed Li Er to preserve the original arrangement of displays and decorations.

Consequently, as he stepped back into the mansion, the surroundings mirrored the time when he shared it with Qiu Mucheng.

In a trance, Ye Fan felt as though he could vividly recall every moment spent with Qiu Mucheng here.

Unfortunately, many years had passed, everything had undergone profound changes, and while objects remained, people did not.

"Who is it?"

"Who dares to intrude upon the Mount Yunding Villa?"

"Which insolent trespasser dares to enter Mr. Chu's former residence?"

A sudden burst of angry voices echoed from outside.

Shortly after, Li Er, accompanied by several formidable masters, burst into the mansion.

Upon laying eyes on Ye Fan, Li Er felt his body stiffen. "M-Mr. Chu? You've... returned?"

Li Er found it difficult to believe what he was seeing. He rubbed his eyes vigorously, and only after confirming that it was indeed Ye Fan, did he dare to speak, his voice trembling.

After all, his last encounter with Ye Fan occurred nearly four to five years ago.

In comparison to the past, it was evident that Li Er had aged somewhat. However, Ye Fan remained unchanged, as if time had left no mark on him.

Overwhelmed by emotions, Li Er immediately knelt down.

As the threat of doomsday loomed over everyone, a profound sense of dread gripped them, as if they stood on the precipice of an abyss.

Yet, in the presence of the man before him, the fear gripping Li Er's heart simply dissipated.

Over the years, they had faced numerous trials with Ye Fan.

History and experience had repeatedly shown that as long as Chu Tianfan was present, he could shatter any shackles and break free from any cage.


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