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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 236

"What do you mean by I'm claiming someone else's property? For so many years, Qiu Mu-Cheng has been living and eating well thanks to the Qiu family and she's taken so much from us. So what's wrong with the Qiu family taking a rock from her? You think this Qiu Mu-Cheng would dare to go against the family and sue us?" said Qiu Mu-Ying with a cold smile. It was as if she had all the right to take this jadeite away.

"But Wen-Fei, you've reminded me of something else. It's true that we don't have much persuading power since we don't have any proof. It's little wonder that they refuse to give it to us. Let's go home and see Grandpa." Qiu Mu-Ying had a little malicious smile as if she had suddenly thought of something. She went back to the old house to look for Master Qiu.

It was the Mid-Autumn Festival, so the entire family was in and having dinner with the elderly man.

Of course, Qiu Lei and his family had parted ways with the Qius, so they weren't included at this year's dinner.

"Yingying, what great timing! Your grandfather was just thinking of you and wanted you to join us for dinner," said Jiang Hong with a big smile on her face as she pulled Qiu Mu-Ying to the dining hall.

Wang Qiaoyu and the rest of the family were also pleasantly surprised. "Yingying, didn't you say you were going out today and you'd drop by tomorrow instead? Why are you here tonight?"

Qiu Mu-Ying put on her prettiest smile and pulled her arms around her grandfather's neck as she whined adorably, "That's because I missed Grandpa! Happy MidAutumn, Grandpa!"

"Hahaha! How wonderful! Out of all the grandchildren, Yingying is the most filial. I really can't bear to see her get married."

There was much cheer and laughter among the Qius.

But Qiu Mu-Ying was afraid that if she waited for too long, Qiu Mu-Cheng would retrieve the rock first. She couldn't wait anymore and quickly started talking about this matter shortly after sitting down.

"What? So you're saying that you want to take the family register over and collect the rock on behalf of Qiu Mu-Cheng when it's not allowed? That's considered scamming,” Master Qiu asked in a deep voice as he frowned.

Qiu Mu-Ying replied, "Grandpa, that's not a scam. This is what Qiu Mu-Cheng owes the Qius, so we deserve it. Qiu Mu-Cheng and her family have caused us so much losses over the years, and if Wen-Fei hadn't helped us the last time, the Qius would be gone by now. Grandpa, don't you think Qiu Mu-Cheng and family owes us? Shouldn't she repay us?”

Qiu Mu-Ying continued on and on and nobody in the hall replied her. The rest of the family just listened and didn't give any comments.

After all, while Qiu Mu-Ying explained it away nicely, everyone knew that she was trying to forcibly collect an item on behalf of someone else when it was neither authorized nor allowed, and that wasn't anything to be proud of.

Master Qiu also shook his head. "Yingying, you're not wrong, but these are separate matters. Qiu Mu-Cheng and her family have done us wrong and they owe us. But if we take something from them illegally, then the ones who will suffer is our family."

"It's not worth breaking the law or our principles over a worthless rock like that." Master Qiu was clearly disapproving of this.

Jiang Hong and the rest chimed in, "That's right, Yingying. It's just a rock and would only be worth maybe $10,000 even if there's jade in it. Qiu Mu-Cheng and her family won't suddenly become rich and turn the tables on us with that sort of money. So why should we risk ourselves over a cheap rock?"

Just like Master Qiu, the rest of the family had never come into contact with rough jade and just thought that it wouldn't be worth much more than several thousand.

It wasn't much after splitting it among such a large family, so of course they

didn't care for it.

But Qiu Mu-Ying's next few words made all of them fall silent.

"Auntie Hong, who said that's just a cheap rock? That's a rough jade that contains glass imperial jade! You don't know anything about these unpolished rocks, so you don't know how much they're worth. I'll tell you now that the minute that jade was revealed, several wealthy men started bidding for it, and the highest bid was nearly $200 million!"


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