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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 240

"You...!" Su Qian wanted to scold Ye Fan some more but Qiu Mu-Cheng stopped her.

"Qianqian, don't bother about him and let him flaunt his wealth. I'm going to see how much more he can flaunt once he's spent it all." Qiu Mu-Cheng was equally angry.

She knew where Ye Fan's confidence was coming from. It was coming from that piece of rock with imperial jade inside.

But at the rate he was going, he was going to bankrupt himself even if it was worth a billion dollars.

But no matter how angry Qiu Mu-Cheng was, there was nothing she could do.

After all, that piece of imperial jade was discovered by Ye Fan and it was up to him how he wanted to deal with it. Qiu Mu-Cheng wasn't going to covet his things.

Reminding him to control himself was already the best she could do as his wife.

If this stupid idiot refused to listen, then there was nothing she could do.

In any case, Qiu Mu-Cheng had already decided that even if Ye Fan ran out of money, she wasn't going to spare him a single cent. It was his fault for not controlling himself.

The auction continued and Qiu Mu-Cheng was relieved to see that after Ye Fan had made that $12 million bid, he stopped trying to bid for other things.

"Looks like this fellow is willing to listen after all." Qiu Mu-Cheng secretly stole a glance at Ye Fan and her pink lips curled up ever so slightly.

But this smile didn't remain on Qiu Mu-Cheng's face for long.

She watched as Ye Fan suddenly got up again to make a bid.

"$9 million!"

This time, Ye Fan was bidding for an excellent piece of velvet antlers.

"You...” Qiu Mu-Cheng really felt like dying.

"Ye Fan are you nuts or something? A $12 million ginseng isn't enough and now you want velvet antlers?! Are you bent on losing all that money you're sitting on?!" Qiu Mu-Cheng spat a series of questions at Ye Fan angrily. She really couldn't understand what was going on in his mind.

Ye Fan just continued bidding as if he hadn't heard Qiu Mu-Cheng's angry outburst.

"How dare you covet my wife? I'm going to teach you a lesson today!" Ye Fan laughed coldly inside as he continued to raise the bid.

"$11 million!" Ye Fan pushed the price beyond $10 million again and refused to give in to Sun Yu-Hao at all.

This was already the second time and Sun Yu-Hao was furious. He wanted to make a higher offer when Li stopped him again.

"Young Master, there will be more of such things, I'm sure. It's really not worth paying $10 million for velvet antlers. Our main business here is more important!"

Sun Yu-Hao had no choice but to give it up again.

But what really drove Sun Yu-Hao bonkers was when a deer tail was put up for auction and that same person had driven the price all the way up to $20 million. Sun Yu-Hao had no choice but to give that up as well and didn't dare to pursue it any further.

After all, he had more important business to do here. He had already spent too much at the jade auction and he had to keep some money aside for the item he wanted.

After that, more items that were good for increasing potency appeared one after another, but Ye Fan took them all down at a high price and Sun Yu-Hao didn't get a single one.

"Damn this idiot! Find out who this bastard is! I want to see who dares to trample over me like that!"


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