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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 244

But of course Qiu Mu-Cheng and Ye Fan had no idea that half an hour ago, Qiu Mu-Ying and her family had already gone to the counter at the first floor of Shanshui Hall and insisted that the counter staff give them the jadeite.

"Miss, I'm really sorry but we our regulations stipulate that other than the actual person, nobody else is allowed to collect the item on his or her behalf. After all, you can say that you're this person's sister and he can always claim to be his brother or some other relative. But without any concrete proof, we can't verify this either," said the staff politely to Qiu Mu-Ying.

Qiu Mu-Ying didn't say anything and just smiled. Then she slammed the family register onto the countertop.

"Did you say you can't verify it? I'm going to let you verify it right now, so that you can't say that I'm lying to you. Look at it carefully - isn't Qiu Mu-Cheng my sister? You won't believe me if I just say so, but you'd believe the family register, right? Hand over that jadeite right now, otherwise you're going to be in deep trouble if you ruin my sister's plans!" Qiu Mu-Ying threatened the staff with these fierce and frightening sounding words.

"Well, that..." The counter staff was immediately put in a difficult position. She had said all those things as an excuse in hope that they would give up, but she didn't expect Qiu Mu-Ying to seriously appear with their family register.

"But Miss, I'm really sorry but our policies do not allow anyone else besides the actual person..."

The staff continued to try explaining but Jiang Hong immediately cut her off, "What policies are all these? Qiu Mu-Cheng is from my family, so giving us her things are as good as giving them to her! I think you low ranked staff are just trying to take my niece's things for yourselves!"

"Are you handing it over or not? If you don't give it to us, we'll call the cops and sue you for illegally possessing this item!”

Jiang Hong and the rest looked fierce and threatening, so they made these poor staff feel really frightened. But even so, the staff really didn't dare to make the call on whether to give them the item or not and called their floor manager over.

"What's going on? It's so noisy here. What happened?" A middle aged man walked over.

"Manager, it's like this..." The counter staff recounted what happened to him.

"Oh? They want to collect it on behalf of her? No, we don't allow such a thing," the middle aged man immediately refused.

But just when this middle aged man appeared, Qiu Guang stared at him for several moments before finally asking with some surprise, "You...you're...Boren?"

"Yes, I am. You are...?" Zhang Boren immediately looked quizzically at Qiu Guang.

"I'm Qiu Guang! Have you forgotten? We were in the same dormitory back in high school!" Qiu Guang replied.

Zhang Boren looked like he suddenly recalled and was pleasantly surprised, "You're Big Guang?”


"I think we haven't seen each other nearly ten years since the last time!"

The two old friends started chatting happily with one another.

Qiu Mu-Ying could tell that they were going to keep chit-chatting and she started getting anxious because she was afraid that Qiu Mu-Cheng might come back, so she hurried Qiu Guang, "Uncle Guang, our business here is more important."

Qiu Guang suddenly remembered why they were here in the first place and started talking to Zhang Boren about this matter.

"Oh, so you're saying that you're here to help your niece to collect her item?" Zhang Boren frowned.

Qiu Guang smiled and said, "That's right. My niece has to attend to an urgent matter and can't come, so she called my father and my father got us to help her collect it. But your staff here keep saying that we're liars, so in order to prove that we're really related, we've even brought the family register here."

"So please tell your staff to let us collect the item," Qiu Guang tried to persuade Zhang Boren.

Zhang Boren was also put in a difficult position now. "Big Guang, it's not that I don't want to help, but there are policies set by the management and I can't bend the rules like that. If there are any disputes as a result of this..."

"Don't worry, this won't go wrong because we're one family. The Qius are one family and so Qiu Mu-Cheng's things are the Qiu family's things and we have to keep everything with my father,” Qiu Guang patted his chest as a guarantee.

Zhang Boren had no choice but to nod. But just in case, Zhang Boren got his staff to check if the family register really had the same name as the person who left the item at the counter.

"Manager, it's the same person," replied the staff.

"Ok. What item is it?" Asked Zhang Boren.

"It's a rock."

"Oh so it's just a rock. Well, since Miss Qiu has gotten someone to collect it on her behalf, then they can take it." Zhang Boren wasn't so cautious after he heard that it was just a rock.

It was just a rock after all. Nobody would go through so much trouble for a rock if it wasn't really theirs, right?

In the end, Qiu Mu-Ying and her family got the rock as they had hoped and quickly hopped into their car without further delay.

"Boren, I'll come again next time and treat you to drinks!"

"Haha! Sure!"

After Qiu Guang thanked him a few more times, he also quickly got into the car and left.


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