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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 25


"I really envy that lady!”

"Mama, when I grow up, I want to be as pretty as that lady. And everyone will focus their attention on me like I am a star."

Everyone in the hall was looking at the lady in the purple dress. Under the multicolored spotlights, the peerless beauty looked so dazzling and eye-catching.

Her beauty was such that it aroused envy among the ladies in attendance, and admiration among the gentlemen.

Of course, the ladies didn't just envy her for the jade hairpin that was worth three-hundred thousand, but her glory too and her eye-catching radiance.

Which woman would not want to hear praises from others?

Which woman would not want to be a star and take the spotlight?

Which woman would not want to be dazzling and have everyone focus their attention on her?

But, among all the women present, only Qiu Mu-Cheng managed to do all that.

Ye Fan's extravagance and his gifting of the jade hairpin to Qiu Mu-Cheng, had placed her center stage at this event.

And Qiu Mu-Cheng was in a dazed state, her eyes filled with shock. This was too sudden. One moment ago, she had been wallowing in self-abasement and curling up within herself like a Cinderella. She had thought that she was just an insignificant speck among this gathering of elites. But, unbelievably, she was now taking center stage and the object of everyone's envy.

As she basked in the astonished and envious gazes of the audience, for a brief moment, she could feel herself floating on air. She liked the feeling of standing under the spotlight and receiving envy from the crowd. It intoxicated her and made her lose herself.

Right then, she finally understood why so many people wanted to rise to the top and stand above others. Because standing at the top, as an object of admiration, was truly a blissful experience.

At this moment, Qiu Mu-Cheng nearly cried. If only the wonderful experience she was having tonight was a gift from Ye Fan. She truly wished that was true. Because if it was, then she could enjoy this honor without feeling burdened.

She was Ye Fan's woman. So she had the right to reign alongside him and enjoy the infinite glory.

But in the end, Qiu Mu-Cheng shook her head and smiled self-deprecatingly. She knew very well that this honor did not belong to her. She had already decided. After the auction, she would personally return the hairpin to the masked gentleman.

Human are creatures of vanity, and Qiu Mu-Cheng was no exception. But, unlike many women, she had her own principles and there were lines she would not cross.


Isn't it just a stupid hairpin?

Look at how smug you are. How could you let yourself be won over by some trinket that's worth only several dozen thousand. You are so cheap.

Just you wait. My husband will get me something better in a while. Let's see if you can still be smug then?

Lin Qian stared Qiu Mu-Cheng coldly and acted as if she didn't care. But on the inside, she was seething in rage and her eyes were bloodshot with fury.

The auctioneer had forcibly removed the jade hairpin from her and handed it over to Qiu Mu-Cheng. That incident had been very embarrassing for her. Now, a number of people in the crowd were looking at her with contempt and mockery in their eyes.

"Darling, I don't care. You have to avenge my honor." "I was really embarrassed just now~" Lin Qian wrapped herself around Wang Yu like an octopus, and started behaving in a cutesy manner. That proved to be too much for him to bear, and Wang Yu surreptitiously pinched his wife's butt. Then he told her, "Don't worry, darling. It's just a stupid hairpin. Worth only a few dozen thousand. Such a cheap trinket is not suitable for a person of your status. I will get you the best gifts."

"Wah~ Darling, you are so good to me. I love you so much~"

Lin Qian kissed Wang Yu excitedly on the face. Then she raised her chin and looked smugly at Qiu Mu-Cheng. As if she was saying, Did you hear? My husband is going to buy me something better.

Qiu Mu-Cheng ignored her. But when Lin Qian went back to her seat, she smiled and said, "Mu-Cheng, since you like that hairpin so much, I will let you have it. It's only worth a few dozen thousand. I have plenty of jewelries like that at home. I don't need another one. If you want, I can even give you a piece as well."

"But, Mu-Cheng. To be honest, I feel sorry for you. You used to be the beauty queen of Jiangdong University, but look at you now. Beside that dress, you don't have anything of value on you. The only expensive item you have is a charitable donation from some stranger. And when you go to work, you have to squeeze onto the bus with the low-class people."

"Ai~we women. If you marry the wrong person, your life gets ruined. To be honest, I feel bad for you. I will do my best to help. If your husband comes to our company to work as a security guard, I will tell my husband to pay him an extra few hundred every month.”

Lin Qian kept sighing and shaking her head, as if she was really concerned about Qiu Mu-Cheng.

Ye Fan, who was eavesdropping on their conversation, was beside himself with rage.

That bitch. She is definitely humiliating Mu-Cheng on purpose.

You really think there is no one to pamper Mu-Cheng?

Ye Fan's hands were clenched tight in anger. At first, he had merely wanted to teach Lin Qian and Wang Yu a little lesson. After all, Lin Qian was Mu-Cheng's former school friend, so he had to consider his wife's feelings. He had actually decided not to go after them.

But who would have thought that Lin Qian would be such a vicious woman.

This is intolerable! If he let this go, then that would only encourage them!


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