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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 264

But Ye Fan walked on without stopping.

Han Hai finally frowned and looked at Ye Fan as he called out, "$1 million!”

"That's my final offer. Ye Fan, it's better not to be too greedy. Stop when it's enough, otherwise you won't get anymore and you might not even get this $1 million."

Han Hai was clearly getting impatient and he looked at Ye Fan with greater disgust and annoyance than before.

He didn't expect Ye Fan to be this greedy.

He was just a pauper from the countryside and Han Hai thought that he would agree to $500,000 at most. But he couldn't believe that Ye Fan had pushed it until he offered $1 million.

"This fellow is really observant huh. He can tell that I'm desperate for him to leave Mu-Cheng and so he pushed me to my limit," Han Hai thought to himself as his face fell. But Ye Fan's greed already made him very unhappy.

He had already decided that if this fellow didn't even want $1 million, then he could forget about getting anything.

If Ye Fan continued to harass Qiu Mu-Cheng, Han Hai would hire some men to beat him up and make sure he backed off.

Just when Han Hai made his final offer, Ye Fan finally stopped walking.

Han Hai immediately snorted.

This country bumpkin sounded so self-righteous earlier but now his heart was wavering, wasn't it?

"That's right, Ye Fan. That's the right choice. You're just a poor fellow from the village and I don't think you'd ever earn $1 million in your lifetime. Take the money and get a wife from your own village. How could a useless bum like you covet Mu-Cheng? You're not worthy of her and she deserves someone who can take better care of her," said Han Hai with a faint smile. His words were filled with disdain and contempt for Ye Fan.

"I'll transfer the money to you in a couple of days, get lost once you receive the money. You should return to the village. The city isn't the place for you. But I want to remind you - once you get the money, then you'd better not harass Mu-Cheng. Otherwise, money won't be enough to save your life, get it?"

His tone made him sound like he was looking down at an ant.

Ye Fan's back was facing him as Ye Fan shook his head and laughed at Han Hai's words.

"You little brat! What are you laughing at? What right do you have to laugh? You're just a pauper from the countryside, a useless live-in son-in-law! Who do you think you are?!" Ye Fan's laughter made Han Hai very cross. He felt like Ye Fan was laughing at him.

How could a useless fellow like him dare to laugh at Han Hai?

"What am I laughing at? I'm laughing at how blind you are and how you can't see reality! What is $1 million to me? What is $10 million to me? No matter how rich someone like Sun Yu-Hao is, he can't be compared to me. I used to show you respect only on account of Mu-Cheng. If not for her, then you are nothing to me as well!" Ye Fan spoke arrogantly and his eyes were icy.

Every time he said one sentence, he would take a step toward Han Hai. His imposing manner shook the very ground he stepped on.

His slim body was as straight as a spear and his angry words resounded like thunder.

His words were firm and authoritative as they tore through the sky.

As Ye Fan spoke angrily, a strong wind began to blow across Yunwu Lake.

The waters started to move wildly and the fallen leaves rustled loudly.

Ye Fan's presence was too aggressive.

Han Hai's face was all pale as he was faced with how domineering Ye Fan was. He was so frightened that he ended up taking a few steps backwards.

His eyes widened in shock.

He couldn't believe that a live-in son-in-law like Ye Fan could exude such an aura.

It was as if the one in front of him wasn't a useless live-in son-in-law but a majestic and gigantic tall mountain!


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