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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 27

"You prodigal bitch! Are you trying to drive me to my death!"

Wang Yu turned to his wife and lambasted her.

"Darling, I was wrong. I just wanted to get back at him for you." Lin Qian's face was pale and she knew she was in trouble, so her voice was softer than before.

"Quick, darling, increase your bid. The auctioneer is about to end the bidding."

Just then, Lin Qian noticed that the auctioneer was about to hit the sound block with her gavel, so she frantically pushed her husband to make his offer.

Wang Yu gave in to her obstinacy and increased his bid again.

After all, he had already been humiliated during the bidding for the white jade hairpin. If the high heels went to the masked man as well, he would completely lose face in front of everyone.

So Wang Yu held his breath and coldly announced, "Seven hundred and ten thousand!"

After making his offer, Wang Yu turned and stared frostily at Ye Fan. "Friend, don't go overboard here. After all, we might meet again in the future. I let you have the jade hairpin earlier. If you fight with me over this pair of high heels, I will be forced to teach you a lesson."

Wang Yu's chilly tone carried a hint of threat.

But Ye Fan could not be bothered with him. He raised his placard again. "Eight hundred thousand!"


Another hundred thousand.

Everyone in the hall went into a frenzied state.

"What the hell?" "Who is this nouveau riche?¹ "He's freaking rich. He added a hundred thousand to the pot just like that.”

"When did we have such an awesome person in Yunzhou?"

"Could he be the son of Shen Jiu-Yi?"

The gentlemen marveled at Ye Fan's feat as they tried to guess his identity.

The ladies, on the other hand, were stealing sidelong glances at him. They had been overawed by Ye Fan's imperious aura.

"The way he bidded... He looked so handsome~"

"It's love!”

"Do you think he has a girlfriend?”

More than a few girls acted without restraint and were preparing to throw themselves at him.

After all, most of the ladies present were kept women of wealthy men. So since they had to depend on men for money anyway, it would work out better for them if they had a wealthier sugar daddy.

Li Er, who was sitting in one of the private rooms, heard the discussion that was going on in the hall below. And he laughed disdainfully. "A bunch of ignoramuses. Do you think you actually have a chance of finding out Mr. Chu's true identity?"

Li Er was a sharp person. He had already guessed Ye Fan's intention to hide his identity, when the latter asked him for a mask. So he was not going to do something stupid like reveal Ye Fan's identity to the auction attendees.

Meanwhile, Wang Yu's face had already turned white as sheet and his eyes were red with anger.

But Ye Fan did not pay him any attention and interjected with another bid, before Wang Yu could even start talking.

"Nine hundred thousand!"

"For heaven's sake, that's nine hundred thousand! That man is competing against

himself and he just bidded nine hundred thousand!"

"Do I hear another bid?"

"Do I hear a higher bid?"

The auctioneer, a veteran of many auctions, was already in the throes of excitement. Until today, she had never seen a customer as generous as Ye Fan. His overpowering presence had completely subdued Wang Yu.

And the latter was just standing there in a daze, too scared to raise another bid.

"Darling, raise another bid. Quick!"

"I don't care. I want that pair of high heels. You said you would get it for me no matter how much it costs."

Lin Qian was only concerned with receiving the attention and envy of the other attendees. She wanted to be the most dazzling woman at the auction. As for Wang Yu's predicament, it was none of her concern. And since it was Wang Yu's

money they were spending, she was not bothered by the astronomical price tag.

But before Wang Yu could reply, Ye Fan had already stood up. The latter swept a bold gaze round the venue and spoke in a soft voice, that nevertheless, resounded round the room.

"Never mind. Let me add another ninety thousand.”

"This nine hundred and ninety thousand is just a little something for the kids living in the mountainous areas. I hope, with the government's assistance, these children can live happily for a long long time."


The applause went on for a long time.

A great many attendees stood up to show their respect to Ye Fan. Even the auctioneer was nearly moved to tears by his words.

Was this true magnanimity?

To have the capacity to think about the world and to hold concern for the people.


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