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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 272

Just like that, half a month went by.

It was already October and it was close to the National Day holiday season.

But Qiu Mu-Cheng was in no mood to party.

After everything that happened came to a close, she started getting busy at work. She was frowning every day, working overtime every night and even after she got home, she continued working till late at night before sleeping.

"Mu-Cheng, what's going on? Why are you still so busy during this holiday season? Did something happen to the company?" asked Han Li over dinner.

Qiu Lei was also quite curious. "I remember that before the Mid-Autumn Festival, you said that the company was going to officially open. But half a month has gone by already, why is there no news?

"We wanted to go over and celebrate and enjoy being in the limelight too. Don't tell me you've already gone through the opening ceremony without telling us?" asked Qiu Lei in a low voice.

Han Li kicked Qiu Lei, "Stupid old man, always spouting nonsense! Mu-Cheng didn't invite us over for a good reason!"

"Think about it, they're just a tiny unknown company, so I don't think anybody would have gone to attend their opening ceremony. If we went to an empty ceremony, we'd end up embarrassing ourselves along with them."

"That's also true." Qiu Lei nodded along like he understood. He figured that his daughter was afraid that they would feel embarrassed and so she felt bad about inviting them to the opening ceremony.

"I say, Mu-Cheng, this Mufan Real Estate is probably just some unknown company and isn't reliable. I'd advise you to plan ahead. If you see a better position, you'd better go for it," said Han Li as she ate.

"Mum, how could you say that? When we were in trouble, Mufan Real Estate was the one who took us in. I've only worked there for a month, so how could you tell me to leave? Wouldn't that make us look very heartless?" Qiu Mu-Cheng immediately retorted.

Han Li got upset when she heard this response. "How could I say that? I'm saying this for your own good!"

"Even birds know how to choose a good tree to build a nest in! If the company is a bad one and can't keep their employees, that has nothing to do with you. It's their fault for being lousy, we're not being heartless. Real estate is not an easy business. Without connections and a good network, you can't earn much. I'm afraid that this tiny company might just suddenly go bust after a couple of years and then you don't even get paid!"

Han Li continued to pour cold water on Qiu Mu-Cheng. She was already feeling very stressed about work and now her mother wasn't helping. Qiu Mu-Cheng became even more frustrated and put down her chopsticks to return to her room to continue working.

"This girl doesn't want to listen to me anymore!" Han Li was also upset and continued to rant at the dining table.

After dinner, Ye Fan specially cooked a bowl of porridge and brought it over to Qiu Mu-Cheng.

"Mu-Cheng, don't be too anxious and don't be angry with Mum and Dad. Just take things slowly at work. Eat something first. You can't work if you're hungry."

Ye Fan had his usual calm look on his face. Qiu Mu-Cheng rarely saw Ye Fan lose his temper. She was so envious of how he was always able to remain calm regardless of whether he was being praised or insulted.

Qiu Mu-Cheng rubbed her sore eyes and thanked Ye Fan. She then said in a quiet voice, "Ye Fan, actually I'm not angry with my parents. I'm just angry with myself for not being able to get anything right."

"Back at Qiushui Logistics, Qiu Mu-Ying and the rest kept sabotaging me and prevented me from doing well. But even though I've come to a new company where everyone listens to me, I'm still not able to do a good job. It's been a month and we still can't officially open for business. I'm really feeling a tremendous pressure and sometimes I think that perhaps I'm not good enough to support an entire company after all. I've also thought of what my mom suggested, and just resign and look for something else.”

"But I really hate to admit defeat like this. I know the Qius are waiting for me to embarrass myself. My grandfather, my uncles, Qiu Mu-Ying and the rest are all waiting for me to fail. When I think about these things, it makes me feel indignant and I don't want them to look down on me. I'll definitely make sure I succeed and make sure they regret chasing me out of the family!”

Qiu Mu-Cheng clenched her fists tightly when she said these words and there was a strange determination in her eyes.


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