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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 281

The next morning.

Qiu Mu-Cheng headed to the office after having breakfast.

If the approval didn't happen quickly, she had to think of something else.

Otherwise, their company would get dragged under!

Shortly after Qiu Mu-Cheng left, Ye Fan prepared to leave the house too.

He was attending that Yunzhou art exhibition. Since he promised Su Yuan-Shan, he would go.

But just as Ye Fan was about to leave, Qiu Mu-Cheng's cousin stopped him suddenly.

"Your name is Ye Fan, right? You're a grown man! Don't you feel guilty about living off your wife? Why don't you go out and earn some money? I really look down on men who live off their wives! In other households, the men are in charge of making money for their family while the women just need to sit around and look pretty. But what about you? You don't make any money and you live off Mu-Cheng instead. You're holding her back!"

When Lu Wen-Jing looked at Mu-Cheng's live-in husband, she stuck her hands to her hips as she shouted angrily.

She honestly looked rather adorable when she was annoyed.

After Ye Fan heard this, he smiled and asked as he wiped his shoes, "Little girl, have you been watching too many idol dramas? Who said men are in charge of making money for the family? Who said women just need to sit around and act pretty?”

"The big sisters on Weibo say so. They said that women were born to be indulged and making money is a man's job. Women just need to dress up and be pretty. We just need to go shopping with friends and enjoy life," said Lu Wen-Jing matter of factly.

Ye Fan asked again, "Oh, really? What else did the big sisters on Weibo say?"

"They said a lot. They said other than making money, men need to do chores and cook. After all, a woman's youth is short, so it can't be wasted on doing things like that. Also, staying in the kitchen is bad for a woman's complexion and it makes us age easily. The big sisters on Weibo said that it's very painful to give birth to children, so it's only right for the child to take the mother's surname. If the men don't agree, it means they don't love you, then you should divorce him.”

"Also, they said your husband should earn more than $500,000. Men who are poor have no right to have a wife. After getting married, they can't interfere with our lives either. They can't stop us from going out with our male friends too. We have the freedom to make friends too, so you men have no right to control our lives at all," rambled Lu Wen-Jing on and on. She was even using these to judge Ye Fan now.

"Look at you. You don't meet any other requirements that the big sisters on Weibo mentioned. You managed to marry Mu-Cheng because of some dumb luck!" said Lu Wen-Jing angrily.

When Ye Fan finished listening to her, he shook his head and laughed.

He only realized that these so-called feminists online could really poison minds. Even Qiu Mu-Cheng's younger cousin had been brainwashed.

"Jingjing, listen. Stop talking to those so-called big sisters on Weibo from now on. What they're saying will harm you. Trust me, if you continue to think this way, no one will want to marry you. They sound like they know everything online, but they are probably just workers in some electronics factory. Only little girls like you who don't know better will get confused by them.”

Ye Fan laughed softly before ending the conversation with Lu Wen-Jing and leaving.

"Hey, come back! I'm not done talking to you! Are you going to get a job and make a livelihood for the family? ARGH! I'm so mad!" shouted Lu Wen-Jing angrily. But Ye Fan ignored her and left without turning back.

The more Lu Wen-Jing thought about it, the madder she became.

She wondered why Ye Fan was going out in the day if he was jobless.

And he left the minute after Mu-Cheng went to work.

Could Ye Fan be doing something inappropriate behind Mu-Cheng's back?

"No! I have to help Mu-Cheng keep an eye on him! I want to see what on earth Ye Fan's does in the day since he doesn't work!"

Shortly after Ye Fan left, Lu Wen-Jing put on her shoes and followed him.


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