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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 29


Another million?

And in cash?

Ye Fan's words were impactful, like giant rocks dropping into the sea, and caused huge waves among his audience.

Everyone was stunned. Ye Fan's boldness had shocked everyone present.

Lin Qian was especially affected. She lost control of her emotions and started scolding Ye Fan.

"A million?"

"Go screw yourself!"

"I think you are addicted to showing off?"

"A poor bastard like yourself. Do you even have the money?"

"And you want to pay in cash? I think you don't know how heavy a million yuan in cash is?"

"Obviously, right? You are just a poor bastard. You have probably never seen so much money before in your life, right?"

Lin Qian could not help but laugh, when she heard the nonsense that had just came out of Ye Fan's mouth. As if he had just told the world's funniest joke. Her heavily made-up face was filled with disdain and derision.

When the other attendees heard Lin Qian's denunciation, they looked at Ye Fan as if he was an idiot.

"It looks like we have been fooled by this bastard."

"Does he take us for idiots?"

"He's penniless and yet he's going around pretending to be a rich man. How shameless!"

"How poor does a person have to be, before he goes off to do a stupid stunt like this?"

Really, I think he's not just poor, he's also a

damn fool-"

All at once, a clamor broke out in the hall.

There were voices of ridicule, sarcasm, abuse and disdain.

It was obvious that they saw Ye Fan as a liar and a braggart. Very few of them believed him.

After all, who would actually lug around a million yuan in cash to an auction?

Moreover, a million yuan in cash was heavy. Ye Fan would need a box to hold all that cash. But after looking around Ye Fan, no one could see any container big enough to accommodate all that cash.

"I have confirmed it. He's just a simple weakling!"

"Does he spend all his time fantasizing about being a rich man?"

"This poor bastard is just here to create trouble!”

"What is Shanshui Hall doing? Why did they allow an idiot to come in here?"

Ye Fan's actions had stirred the crowd to anger, and many of them were denouncing and castigating him.

The auction attendees, who considered themselves "high society", felt insulted that they had to share the same space as a commoner. By doing so, they had cheapened their status.

And the auctioneer, who had been fawning over Ye Fan, finally lost her patience. She turned to him and warned, "This is a formal setting, not some place where you can act wilfully."

"If you cannot produce a bank card with sufficient fund, then we will throw you out and put you on our blacklist."

Her tone was cold, without a single trace of the respect she had shown before. Just then, she did not even use the "mister" honorific to address him.

People are materialistic after all.

If you have money and power, they will respect you and properly address you as "Mister Chu".

If you are poor and powerless, then you are just a poor weakling that everyone despises.

As he looked at the so-called "high society" folks below the stage, Ye Fan could not help but think that they looked exceptionally "ugly"!

In the private room, two of Li Er's underlings, Jin Bao and Yin Bao, looked at the scene unfolding below them and then turned to ask their employer: "Master Er, should we act now?"

But Li Er waved his hand dismissively and replied, "Let's wait and see what happens next. Mr. Chu is not a rash person. Since he said he would pay in cash, that means he has a backup plan."

In the hall, Ye Fan continued to stand in the same spot.

Beside him, Lin Qian was wilfully sneering away. The auctioneer's tone got more pushy and she gave Ye Fan another warning. "Mister, our patience is limited. If you still refuse to produce your bank card, then we will be taking action against you."

"Why are you still talking to this poor bastard?"

"He really has no money."


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