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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 298

But at this time, Liu Chuan-Zhi suddenly got up angrily and laughed loudly as he looked at Ye Fan.


"You're really a master, Master Ye. I don't know how much you know about rocks, but you're a real master at fabricating stories. Never mind Mayor Han - even I nearly believed you myself!"

"Master Ye, let me call you Master for the time being. I agree that the story you made up just now is really seamless and watertight. Even the two leading characters of your story, Mr Zhou and myself, nearly believed your nonsense."

"But don't forget, your conjecture is based solely on the idea that this jadeite is a worthless rock. So let me ask you now. What right do you have to say that my words were a pack of lies, and what proof do you have to say that this jadeite is worthless?"

"Besides, there are so many witnesses here. Besides Mr Zhou, Mr Wang, Mr Du and everyone else has been in this industry for decades. This jadeite cracked open and after the snake bands fell off, we could all see the green inside. I'm not the only one who said it was a good rock. The rest of them were also full of praise for it.”

Liu Chuan-Zhi smiled coldly with his hands behind his back. There was some arrogance and much fury on his face as he questioned Ye Fan.

This string of questions were harsh and hit the nail on the head.

Every word he said made logical sense.

Everyone else also started nodding after hearing these words.

"Indeed, this youngster just says that Mr Zhou and Master Liu are in cahoots to cheat Mayor Han, but he didn't explain why he thinks Master Liu was spouting nonsense or why this jadeite is worthless."

"Exactly. There's green inside this rock." 'And this is from Hpakan in Myanmar too.

It's really rare to find a rock where you can see green the minute the snake bands fall away, and I've only seen it three times in my thirty years in the business. Every time this happens, the price goes up astronomically and one of them turned out to be imperial jade."

"How could this punk say it's worthless then?"

"He must be spouting nonsense!"

"I was nearly misled by this fellow and missed the point. So he's misunderstood Master Liu, right?"

The other suppliers shook their heads and sighed as they made various remarks.

Liu Chuan-Zhi's words had clearly turned the focus back onto Ye Fan.

Han Dong-Min's clenched fists had slowly relaxed and he didn't question Zhou Sheng and Liu Chuan-Zhi anymore. Instead, he looked towards Ye Fan as well. He was obviously waiting for Ye Fan to explain himself too.

But their waiting was met with nothing but a long silence.

Everyone was watching him, but Ye Fan didn't give a response.

Shen Fei was getting anxious and poked Ye Fan from behind. "Mr Ye, say something!"

"Hurry up and explain things to them and give that old man a slap in the face!"

But Ye Fan continued to remain silent.

The entire living room remained silent except for the wind coldly blowing in through the window.

Shen Fei's heart grew cold and numb.

Could Ye Fan really be bluffing earlier?

"HAHA! Master Ye, won't you say something? Weren't you so confident and eloquent earlier and sounded so convincing? Why have you become dumb now and not talking anymore?" Zhou Sheng started laughing arrogantly. He thought that he would have no way to escape his situation earlier, but after seeing Ye Fan remain silent, all the fear he felt earlier disappeared.

Liu Chuan-Zhi scoffed coldly as well and was filled with contempt. "Say something?"

"I think he doesn't have anything to say! Rock gambling has always been an activity enjoyed only by the aristocrats. He's just a country bumpkin with no money nor influence, so what would he know about rock gambling? I think he's never even seen this before."

"Never mind being a master in rock gambling - I think he doesn't even know the difference between ice and glass jade, or the difference between Yang jade and imperial jade. Don't even bother talking to him about cracks and snake bands. As for the famous mines of Hpakan and Hau Giang, I don't think he's even heard of those places!”


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