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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 309

Before this, Wang Xing-Duo thought that Ye Fan was just a pauper from the countryside and a useless live-in son-in-law whose only achievement was probably in the world of brush paintings and calligraphy.

So Wang Xing-Duo never had any regard for Ye Fan at all.

After all, how impressive could a live-in son-in-law from the countryside be?

Wasn't it easy to deal with him like a fish fillet on a chopping board?

So Wang Xing-Duo had come here to exact revenge on Ye Fan by sealing off Mufan Real Estate!

But Wang Xing-Duo would never have dreamt that this skinny man who was looked down by everybody was actually connected to Han Dong-Min.

And judging from how reverent Han Dong-Min was towards Ye Fan, it was clear that Ye Fan was a big shot!

Wang Xing-Duo immediately felt despair when he realized that he had offended a big shot like this.

He was filled with great misery and his heart was filled with nothing but regret.

If he had known that this was going to happen, he would never have picked on Mufan Real Estate and he would never have provoked Ye Fan.

When he thought about it, he was suddenly filled with great hatred for Qiu Mu-Ying and her family.

If not for those idiots from the Qius, he wouldn't have offended Mufan Real Estate.

If not for that stupid Qiu Mu-Ying and Chu Wen-Fei, he wouldn't have offended Ye Fan either.

Wang Xing-Duo was angry enough to kill off everyone in that family now.

"The Qius have brought harm on me, the Qius have brought harm upon me..."

Wang Xing-Duo remained in the lobby with a heart full of despair. He looked up as his tears rolled down his cheeks uncontrollably.

But so what if he felt regret and hatred now?

There was medicine for everything in the world, but there was no cure for regret.

He had landed in his predicament today because he deserved it!

After Wang Xing-Duo was arrested, Han Dong-Min immediately got someone else to evaluate Mufan Real Estate and if there were no problems, they were to be approved without further delay.

Sometimes bad things were blessings in disguise, and sometimes good things were a sign of bad things to come.

Everyone thought that Mufan Real Estate was in deep trouble today.

And just minutes ago, Qiu Mu-Cheng had already lost all hope.

She wasn't the only one. All the employees had thought that Mufan Real Estate was definitely going to fold and many of them already started thinking about what they were going to do next.

But nobody expected that things would suddenly turn around at the last minute. Mufan Real Estate had not only survived this crisis, they had also finally moved on with their application after Wang Xing-Duo had prevented their approval for months.

And because Han Dong-Min had said the word, the approval came through very quickly.

The very next day, a representative from the Industry and Commerce Bureau came to deliver the certificate to Mufan Real Estate and also formally apologized to Qiu Mu-Cheng for what Wang Xing-Duo had done in the past.

So just like that, Qiu Mu-Cheng finally resolved the problem that had troubled her for so long.

Qiu Mu-Cheng and her staff all knew that their company had been saved because of Ye Fan.

"Miss Qiu, you've married a great husband!"

"You've found such a wonderful life companion!"

"I'm so envious!"

"If my husband was as capable as yours, I would smile in my dreams every day.”

"If we knew that your husband knew Mayor Han, we should have asked Mr Ye for help."


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