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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 314

In the city of Jingzhou in the province of Jiangdong.

In a standalone bungalow.

The bungalow's main door was shut fast and there was only one white light in the dark courtyard to counter the darkness of the night.

The night in Jingzhou was as cold as steel. Dark clouds had gathered in the far skies and covered the light from the stars and the moon. The feeling in the air was as heavy as iron.

But in this terrifying patch of darkness, the living room of the bungalow was as bright as day.

A slightly plump man emerged from the bathroom in a bathrobe.

He sat on the sofa and picked up a glass of red wine. There was a woman as charming as a snake sitting in his arms.

The woman was wearing a very thin dress that only covered her vital parts, and her alluring fair skin and her smooth fair legs remained exposed. She stayed in the man's arms and enjoyed the man's rough touch as she moaned from time to time.

There was even music playing in the background. The gentle melody filled the air but it made the night seem even quieter than usual.

"Sheng, why don't we move to the bedroom? Let's do it there," the charming woman in his arms started to whine coquettishly.

But the man shook his head and smacked the woman's round bottom. There was a smacking sound and her full butt vibrated three times from the impact.

"No. I'm waiting for a phone call. Without this call, I'm going to have trouble eating or sleeping," said the man in a cold voice. There was a cold glint in his eyes as he spoke.

According to his estimates, Da Biao and the rest should have reached Ye Fan by now.

"I've sent three vans filled with about 20 good fighters. Even if you're really amazing, you're dead meat tonight! Since you ruined my reputation, I'm going to make sure you don't make it out alive tonight and I'm going to abandon your body in some wilderness. If I don't kill you, I can't get rid of the hatred in my heart." His sinister voice was filled with intense hatred.

He clenched his fists so hard that his nails were nearly digging into his own skin.

That was how much he hated Ye Fan.

After all, if not for Ye Fan, his reputation wouldn't be in tatters now.

If not for Ye Fan, he wouldn't be unable to go home now and he wouldn't have to hide everywhere he went.

The decades he spent building a business empire had been ruined all at once because of Ye Fan!

He hated Ye Fan so much that he couldn't wait to tear Ye Fan to pieces.


The man took a deep breath and exhaled deeply in a bid to calm himself down.

Then he looked at his watch. The time now was 812PM.

"That fellow is probably on the brink of dying now," murmured the man to himself.

The woman in his arms continued to nuzzle and rub herself against him, but didn't respond to the man's words at all.


Suddenly, the man's phone rang.

He just registered this phone number and the only person who knew this number was the one working for him tonight, Da Biao.

So when he heard his phone ring, a strange smile appeared on the man's cold lips.

Looks like everything was settled.

Since he was now in a better mood, the man groped the woman in his arms for a while before finally picking up the call.

"Da Biao, good job! I'll get someone to wire you the rest of the money now. As for that punk's corpse, dump it into Yunwu Lake to feed the fish. I'm going to make sure everyone knows the consequences of offending me! MUAHAHA!"the man laughed loudly in the bungalow. His wrinkled face looked threatening, and from afar, he looked incredibly ugly.

That evil laughter immediately echoed throughout the living room of the bungalow.

"Too bad, Mr Zhou, I'm afraid I have to disappoint you again."

A faint voice could be heard over the phone.

Wait, what?

The voice over the phone immediately made the man stop laughing as if he was a rooster whose neck was suddenly squeezed. His arrogant expression immediately fell.

He frowned and said in a cold voice, "Da Biao, why are you apologizing?”


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