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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 316

"Mayor Han, are you alright? Be careful when you walk," Ye Fan called out while Han Dong-Min and his son were still petrified. Ye Fan walked over and helped the two of them to their feet.

"M-Master Ye, what...what just happened here?"

Han Dong-Min was really frightened. Anybody who saw 20 men sprawled on the ground with blood everywhere at this hour of the night would have been terrified too.

Even though Han Dong-Min had seen many things in life, he still shuddered and his voice was trembling.

Ye Fan just laughed. "It's just a small matter, it's not worth mentioning. Mayor Han, have a seat first. Why are you looking for me so urgently?"

After Ye Fan mentioned it, Han Dong-Min remembered why he was here.

He decided not to pursue the matter before him and anxiously said to Ye Fan, "Master Ye, I do have something very

serious to tell you."

"Do you remember Zhou Sheng? He teamed up with Liu Chuan-Zhi to cheat me of $200 million, but thankfully you were sharp enough to see through their plan.

We arrested them after that, but yesterday, someone from Jingzhou came to take Zhou Sheng back to Jingzhou. I'm afraid that Zhou Sheng will make use of his connections in Jingzhou and he might very well have been released already."

"This Zhou Sheng is quite influential in Jingzhou and he has connections on both sides of the law. I think you'd better not go out too often because I'm afraid Zhou Sheng might send someone to take revenge on you. He's someone with a bad record and he will do anything it takes to achieve what he wants. Master Ye, you must really be careful," said Han Dong-Min in a grave voice. He looked at Ye Fan with a deep worry in his eyes.

But Ye Fan just quietly sipped his tea as he listened and started laughing. "So you're here because of that."

"Thanks for the concern, Mayor Han. But I've already settled this small matter."

Wait, what?

"You've settled it? What do you mean? Do you mean Zhou Sheng already sent someone after you?"

Han Dong-Min and his son were both stunned by what Ye Fan said. They looked at Ye Fan's smiling face as the groans of the men on the floor reached their ears.

Han Dong-Min immediately shuddered and there was an explosion in his head as his eyes grew wide.

He got up with a start and flew up from his chair. He stared disbelievingly at Ye Fan. "M-Master Ye, you mean...these people here...were sent by Zhou Sheng to come and take revenge on you?"

Ye Fan nodded. "That's right."

"They're just a few small fry and I could take care of them easily. You didn't have to come here personally.”

Ye Fan smiled faintly and spoke so nonchalantly. His casual attitude made Han Dong-Min and his son shocked again.


"You...you beat up all these guys...all by yourself?!"

What the hell?

Han Dong-Min and his son were going crazy from the thought of it. They stared at Ye Fan like they were looking upon a monster, and their eyes were falling out of their sockets from their shock.

One man had completely knocked out 20 men?

And he had taken care of them easily?

"Mr Ye...you...you're joking with us, right?" Han Shao-Jie was about to cry from how stunned he was.

Even though all these men were lying at their feet right now, Han Shao-Jie still found it hard to believe what Ye Fan just



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