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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 344

"Someone sent us an invitation today, inviting the Qiu family to attend their opening ceremony on November 11th. Guess who sent this invitation," said Master Qiu coldly as he sat at the front of the living room with a dark look in his eyes.

Qiu Mu-Ying noticed her grandfather was seething, so she quickly ran up to massage his shoulders and laughed as she said, "Grandpa, I was wondering what made you so upset."

"Isn't it just an opening ceremony? That's a good thing. If they invited us to go, that means that they think we're important and it proves that the Qiu family is a powerful family. We should be happy about it, why are you angry? Don't tell me it comes from Qiu Mu-Cheng?”

Qiu Mu-Ying had just said these words very casually. She didn't think Qiu Mu-Cheng was capable of setting Mufan Real Estate up.

After all, Ye Fan had offended Wang Xing-Duo so badly that day. Wang Xing-Duo's reputation in the brush painting and calligraphy circles was so bad that they threw him out of that circle after that art exhibition. Even though she was the one who lent Wang Xing-Duo that painting, it was Ye Fan who embarrassed Wang Xing-Duo.

Qiu Mu-Ying was sure that Manager Wang probably wanted to kill Ye Fan now.

Under such circumstances, Qiu Mu-Ying would never imagine that Qiu Mu-Cheng would still be able to open her company for business.

Unless she was operating illegally!

"Humph, look at it yourself!"

After hearing Qiu Mu-Ying's words, Master Qiu didn't calm down and got angrier instead. He scoffed coldly and tossed the invitation card onto the table. The loud sound of the card hitting the table echoed through the living room.

Everyone was stunned by this reaction.

Qiu Mu-Ying's face was full of question


Did her casual comment actually get it right?

With doubts in her heart, Qiu Mu-Ying walked up to the table disbelievingly and picked up the card.

"Mufan Real Estate opens officially this autumn on November 11th. I hereby cordially invite Mr Qiu Zhenglun to grace the occasion. Yours sincerely, Qiu Mu-Cheng."


Qiu Mu-Ying felt like this invitation was a slap in her face and her mind went blank instantly.

"It's really from her?! But...but how is that possible? Qiu Mu-Cheng actually got the approval?! But how could that be?" Qiu Mu-Ying kept shaking her head and her eyes were filled with disbelief.

In order to make sure Qiu Mu-Cheng's company couldn't officially open for business, the Qius had used every single tactic possible and their connections to make sure Mufan Real Estate couldn't get the approval from the government.

After that, Qiu Mu-Ying even lent her extremely valuable Tang Bohu painting out, and even though it turned out to be a farce in the end, the Qiu family had really put in a lot of effort into preventing Qiu Mu-Cheng's company from opening for business.

But to Qiu Mu-Ying's surprise, Mufan Real Estate had actually managed to open for business and they even sent an invitation card to their opening ceremony here.

Nobody said anything for a long while. All of them had nasty expressions on their faces and they were clearly feeling upset inside.

Finally, Wang Qiao-Yu spoke up first, "This Qiu Mu-Cheng is really terrible. She can go ahead and start her business, but how could she send us an invitation like that? Isn't she purposely trying to make us angry?”

"Qiao-Yu is right. Dad, Qiu Mu-Cheng is clearly mocking you and insulting our family."


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