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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 356

Chu Wen-Fei placed his hands behind his back as he walked out and spoke coldly to Shen Meng as if he was ordering Shen Meng about.

And just when everyone thought that Chu Wen-Fei's appearance would resolve everything, Shen Meng actually kicked him in the guts.


He kicked Chu Wen-Fei to the floor.

Chu Wen-Fei was completely stunned by this attack.

Qiu Mu-Ying screamed from fright.

Everyone watching was also frozen to the spot.

What was going on now?

Wasn't this Chu Wen-Fei some big shot?

Was Mr Shen crazy?

How could he kick a big shot like that?

"You asshole! How dare you kick my husband?! You're doomed for sure! My husband is Mr Chu and your boss is always so respectful to him. But you have been so bold as to actually kick my husband?!" Qiu Mu-Ying screamed nastily at Shen Meng like she had gone mad.

But Shen Meng just laughed and looked at them like they were idiots. "I'm kicking you two all right!"

"Two fucking idiots. You've actually broken vases worth a few million bucks! You must pay me that $8 million! If you can't, then all three of you can forget about leaving this place!" Shen Meng's furious voice echoed through the shop.

But of course Qiu Mu-Ying wasn't going to back down. She continued to shout back, "You can forget about fleecing us!"

"These things are only worth a few hundred and you dare to say they're $8 million? That's extortion! Just you wait! I'll call the cops now to arrest you!" shouted Qiu Mu-Ying loudly and threatened to call the cops.

Just then, a group of people walked in from outside Women's Country.

"Mr Shen, have you considered my offer to buy those four vases of yours? If you can't bear to part with them, we can still discuss this further. Or what about if I offer you $10 million?" Gu Long-En walked in and started calling out to Shen Meng from afar.

"Hmm? Where are the vases? Where are those four antique vases?"

After walking into the shop, Gu Long-En suddenly realized that the place where the vases used to be were now completely empty and he got a shock.

Shen Meng sighed and gritted his teeth as he replied, "Don't talk about it. These idiots here broke everything."


Gu Long-En felt a terrible pain in his heart when he heard these words.

"Which idiots? These are artistic treasures of our country's culture and they're gone just like that? That's a crime against the country! A crime against the country!"

Gu Long-En sighed deeply and sadly as he looked at the shattered ceramic pieces all over the floor.

Everyone watching was in shock.

"Isn't this...isn't this Master Gu Long-En?”

"He's the chairman of Yunzhou's Antiques Association, an artist of Jiangdong and a master in appraisal!"

"Since he said that those vases were treasures, then they were genuinely antiques, right?"

"This family is in deep trouble now."

Everyone started murmuring among themselves and started looking gleefully at Qiu Mu-Ying and her husband.


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